{16} No Show

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It was never Kakashi's intention to use intimidation and fear to keep her with him.. No, not at all. He wanted her to want him just as much as he wanted her. Not for him to put her on a collar and chain, but for her to do it herself. That she would come home to him on her own free will. Because she wanted to. She wanted to be with him, because she couldn't get enough of him. He could tell he was suffocating her at this point. It was too much at once. He'd have to let go a little in order for this to work. Of course not too much, if she tried to leave or someone tried to take her away... Let's just say he would make Nanno his no matter what, but this would be the most satisfying way for everyone to leave happy.. And unharmed.

Nanno listened to his last orders. She came home every night, right before midnight. No sooner and no later. He made sure to stay up until he heard the girl come in for the night. But once he woke up he always found her gone. It was quite obvious she was avoiding him as much as humanly possible. Of course he wanted to do something. Anything to see her. Sometimes he would see her in town doing different kinds of work. Pulling weeds or planting vegetables for others, taking pets for walk, babysitting while parents are away. Watching her took his breath away. Her kind smile at children, soft giggles while a puppy licked at her cheek, the light layer of sweat making her skin glisten under the afternoon sun while pulling weeds. Always watching... never to approach. It could ruin his end goal. He was hell bent on being the one and only cause of these reactions. She would smile at only him. That angelic laugh would only be directed at him. Sweat only formed from the aftermath of passion of her body under his.

These days were better than others.. The days she hung out with 'friends' of hers almost made him crack. Having to remind himself over and over again he's fighting to win the war. Small battles like these meant nothing. But Naruto being overly touchy was more annoying than he expected, while doing his very best to make the girl laugh. Nothing more than a clown... it was pathetic. Sometimes the teams know-it-all would tag along. She never wanted to be around Naruto before. So why the change of heart now? Always attempting to show off. The worst part was that Nanno fell for it. Whatever the girl would say, the other would always look at her with wide sparkling doe eyes in response. Legitimately impressed with the girl's brains. Making the other girl more and more cocky, absolutely loving the praise she received. Sasuke wasn't as bad.. He was like him. Only watch, never approach. Noticing occasionally how he just happens to be walking the same direction as her. Or in the tea shop across the park she was training in. Eye's never once leaving her form. Kakashi was at least smart enough to be aware of his surroundings. Though the brat that really pissed him off was that Hyuga girl. Acting all innocent and helpless.. The bitch was practically glued to her side at all hours of the day, that is until Nanno walked her home. Hand tightly griped onto her sleeve or hand like a fucking child. She was a ninja for god sake, from a strong clan with a kekkei genkai at that. How would Nanno feel once this hurt little kitten facade eventually fades?

The morning of the exams was like a blessing. Walking into the kitchen he was greeted with Nanno, still dressed in the over sized white shirt she kept for pajamas. Sitting crossed legged at the small kitchen table. A small plate of toast and juice sat in front of her. Glancing up at him before muttering out a small morning, then continuing to pick at her breakfast. Finally! After days of watching her from afar, she was now within reach and even initiating conversation. He greeted her back before grabbing an apple and cautiously sitting across from the girl. The two sat in silence before the man in front of her reluctantly got up to leave. He had to leave early to help with exam preparations.

"Hey, Kakashi." The sound of his name leaving her lips alone made his heart pound. "Ah.. sorry, I guess it's Kakashi Sensei now..." now that left another part pounding. Never did he think he would be into something like that... "Anyway, I need my application form and my identification card... for the exam."

Originally the copy ninja had kept both documents on his person. In fear if the girl ever had them in her possession she'd rip up or burn both in spite of him. No documents meant no way into the exam. Allowing her to hold onto them now was a big risk, with the first test only a few hours away. No way for him to get a new copy made of both if she did decide to act up. Yet, it was also an opportunity. Giving her the freedom to make her feel as if she has a choice to take the exams. That he trusts her to do the right thing. It could make them closer again...

" Oh, of course." setting the two slips onto the table, ignoring the girl's surprised look. She could hardly believe that he actually gave them to her. "You know how to get to the academy, right?"

"H-huh? Ah! Y-yeah... Sakura showed me before..."

Kakashi just let out a hum of approval before walking back towards the door.

"Be at room 301 before 3pm. Don't forget." with that reminder he was gone.

Pausing outside the door letting out a sigh. He really hoped this worked.


"Geez... what's taking them so long.." the blond groans to himself.

Two boys stood in front of the exam building one patiently and the other not so patiently waiting for their female teammates. Not long after a pink form made its way to the pair.

"What the hell took you so long, huh?!" the blond slightly teased, but slight annoyance was still laced in his voice. Her stressed demeanor going unnoticed by Naruto. "Hey! Sakura, are you even listening-"

"Shut up, Naruto." the dark haired boy quickly cut him off heading towards the entrance of the academy.

The blond grunted in dissatisfaction following behind before suddenly pausing.

"Hey, what about Nanno! She's not here yet!"

Of course he noticed... that's what has completely occupied Sasuke's thoughts since he got here only to find the girl missing. What-if's running through his mind nonstop. But if they didn't head in now they might be late. Was he willing to throw away all he had trained for, for a girl he barely knew...

"...She can handle herself..."

With that the three reluctantly headed inside.

(I referred to Hinata as a bitch in this chapter.... why do I feel like such a monster?? Also I've got some comments and private messages mostly saying constant updates would be nice so I'm gonna try that out. So the next chapter will be on Wednesday <3 )

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