{43} Lust and Lavender

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Wide red eyes stared at the sight in front of her, when she heard 'bath house', the girl expected.. Well a very large bath in a room. What was currently in front of her would be better described as a hot spring. The area was beautifully lit with lanterns, reflecting a soft glow off of the water and the stones surrounding it.

Nanno heard a faint splash, followed by the sound of Hinata calling out to her. "Nanno... a-aren't you getting i-in?"

"Oh-uh.. yea.."

The dark haired girl slipped into the water, letting out a small gasp at the feeling of the hot water engulfing her body. Almost instantly relaxing her tense and pained muscles. With a content look on her face, the girl allowed her body to drop deeper until just her nose hovered above the water. And that's when it hit her...


Nanno's eyes widened slightly at the familiar smell, heart seeming to race. And suddenly, for the first time, she really allowed herself to fall back into the old memories.

The good memories...

Memories of Ajin.

Unknowing tears brimmed the girl's red orbs as her arms tightly wrapped around herself in an attempt to comfort. Hinata was quick to notice the girl's pitiful state.

"N-Nanno, are yo-u okay?!" the girl quickly moved her way closer, placing a soft hand on the girl's back in an attempt to comfort her.

The girl was silent for a moment, before finally whispering out. Voice light and sad. "it's... lavender.."

Hinata couldn't help but to cock her head in confusion, lavender was making her cry?"It's a l-lavender bath.. I thought i-it would help re-relax us..." the girl began to fidget slightly, she just wanted to give the dark haired girl the best possible experience.

"You... you don't l-like it..."the shy girl trailed off slightly before Nanno quickly shook her head in disagreement.

"No.. I-" the tears began to flow harder as the girl's voice cracked slightly. " I... I like it..."A small sob passed the girl, small damp hands moving to cover her face before she continued."Thank you... Hinata... I'm... I'm really happy!"

Small tears brimmed the Hyuga girls creamy orbs, she didn't know why the girl was crying over this..

But she couldn't help but to be happy it moved her in some way or another. Letting out a small hum, in a small 'don't mention it' kinda way. Moving the hand that rested on the girl's shoulder around her body. Bringing the slightly shorter girl into a soft embrace. Allowing small tears to hit her already dampened skin. Nanno only shook and cried harder at the feeling of affection.

It's been so long.. Since some one held her sweetly like this...

Not since her parents were alive..

Since Ajin was alive.




"I miss him." the girl confessed, head buried in the purple haired girl's shoulder. "It hurts... my heart. It hurts so much, Hinata. I- I don't know what to do..."

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