{39} A Trap!

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(Hello! So.... I'm currently working on re-writing some of my older chapters. I feel like a lot of my beginning chapters are lower quality compared to some of the newer stuff, and a lot shorter! Plus it's the first thing new readers see when checking out this story... Of course when a newly edited chapter is posted I'll label it as 're-written' up top. So If you are interested in going back to the beginning and checking some of that out, that's great! And if not, that's perfectly fine also! The main idea is still pretty much all the same, just hopefully better writing lol. Anyway, sorry for the big rant, but I hope you all look forward to all that's to come! ❤ )

"WHAT THE HELL?!?!" as Nanno got closer to camp she was greeted with the sound of a screeching blond. "YOU JUST LEFT HER?! THIS BETTER BE SOME KINDA SICK JOKE, YOU BASTARD!!"

Getting closer, the girl could make out a certain pinkett attempting to pry the blond off of the other team 7 male.

"Naruto calm down!" the girl grunted pulling "N-Naruto.. Please!" the pinkett tried to reason again, before finally having enough, a large tick mark forming. "I SAID STOP IT YOU DOOFUS!" with that a fist sent the yelling Uzumaki flying.

The onlooker sweat dropped slightly at the sight. Maybe she shouldn't have come back after all... Stuck living in a death forest was beginning to seem more and more pleasant.

Sakura let out a sigh, before turning to face the dark haired boy. This time with a bashful look- completely different from the one she once held. "B-but Sasuke... Naruto might have a point." the girl shyly glanced off to the side, pressing her two pointer fingers together gently, before continuing. "Nanno could get hurt or lost all alone out there.."

"... wow guys... happy to hear you all hold me to such high regards..."

The pinkett spun around with a relieved grin. "Nanno!"

With a small wave and awkward smile, the red eyed girl greeted the other back.

"Looks like you should really start keeping a tighter leash on the rest of your team, huh?"


Nanno jumped slightly at the sound of a new voice, whipping her head to see a familiar looking grey haired boy with glasses speaking to the Uchiha.

'Who the hell is this guy again?'

The man adjusted his glasses, leaving an eerie glare to flash off the lens, before continuing. "First these two almost opened a scroll and then that one got lost in the woods... how tedious."

A tick mark formed as the four eyes continued to go on. "Hey! I didn't-" the girl paused for a moment, ruby eyes glancing at her dark eyed teammate who still refused to even glance in her direction. If she tried to defend herself it would only lead to more questions. The girl couldn't help but let out a small huff at the shitty situation.

The newcomer stared down the girl with interest for a moment. "What was that now?

"... nothing, forget it."

A small hum came from the man, she couldn't really tell if it was to signal that he was just listening to her... or he somehow knew she was lying and was just mocking her. Either way it just seemed to annoy the girl more.

Then it suddenly hit her.. She was practically still covered head to toe in dried blood and the newcomer didn't even bat a lash at the sight. No way he could have known it was her own. Then again this WAS a murder forest...

Maybe this kinda sight wasn't too strange to a test veteran, like glasses.

Maybe she was reading too much into it..

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