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The last time I saw him he was really really happy enjoying our moments together but now I failed to see his smiling face once again instead tears are falling down from his crystal eyes.

I can't help but feel the throbing pain in my heart, watching Tine cry shatters my heart into million pieces.

I know I cannot touch his beautiful face, I cannot hold his hand, I cannot hug him tight when he needs me the most what he needs is total isolation.

Isolating his self from me makes my body uncalmy run to him and hug him and tell him everything will be alright but turns out I can't because If I did that maybe I will get infected too.

A/N: Hi guys! The prologue part was quite heartbreaking for me while writing what more in other chapter it will also be heartbreaking or not? And don't forget to comment about your thoughts in this chapter and if you have some cover suggestions don't hesitate to pm me. Please dont republish this without any permission from me and also photos are not mine and  credits to the rightful owners😁✌🏼


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