💛Chapter 3💛

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Tines POV

Its been one day since I answered Sarawat's call and I can't even stop thinking that why the hell my mental breakdown hitted me at the time of our conversation and maybe I left a hint or something but I hope he will not notice it.

I am currently packing my clothes and everything that I need because today I am going to the hospital because I don't feel any better staying here for home quarantine so I decided to go to the hospital and get admitted.

I get ready and I make sure to use my mask.

I am walking out of my apartment and making sure that no one will see me or even a glimpse of me will be seen.

I observed that the government has an enhanced community quarantine, maybe they will not let me pass but I think they need to let me pass because I have to reach the hospital in time.

While driving for 1hr I finally reached the hospital, yeah that's right I passed the checkpoint since I have my reasons and it is valid.

Now I am currently waiting in the nurses station and asked them if I can already settle my self and see first a doctor.

After that they begin to the process of my admition and they asked me if any of my loved ones knows about my situation I answered them in pure honesty and the doctor told me to tell them my situation because they need to know, I am hiding it for almost 3 weeks.

I think I should tell Sarawat and Mom about my situation but what if they will be disgusted of me or what if they will cut the connection between me and them urghhh!!! I dont like to think anymore it hurts me more than my situation here.

My stomach is very painful and I have high fever, I really need to bare the pain of course urghh!! I keep on monitoring my temperature every after 1hr.

It is very hard if you have a weak immune system at all because the virus will really target you and it can infect other and that's what hurts me the most.

A/N: Hi guys what are your thoughts in this chapter is it good or bad? What can you say about Tine's condition? Tell me on the comment section and I am sorry if there are grammar mistakes, punctuation mistakes and spelling mistakes because I just came back on wattpad writing a new story it means I stopped from writing for how many months so that's why and that's all thank you!💞


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