💛Chapter 1💛

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Tine's POV

After 14 days under observation, the result says I am positive for having an infectious disease called Corona Virus (COVID-19).

When I learned that I have this kind of virus I felt like my whole world stopped and I felt like my body becomes debiliated by the virus itself.

I am sitting on the corner of the room crying and trying to think of how long I can live with this virus inside my system, how can I face him and tell him that's the reason why I can't go and meet him this 14 days, how am I suppose to communicate my loved ones when I need to jail my self here inside this room?, what if they learned it, what will they think of me?, maybe they will get disgusted.

I kept on thinking about this like I would never stop thinking until I will just let the darkness overcome my body.

My phone starts to buzz but I don't bother to answer any them maybe it is the best thing to do to isolate yourself from them quickly so no one will get infected and I can't stand if he will get infected too or any of my loved ones.

Maybe sooner or later I will die since most of the patients with this kind of virus has 10% chance on surviving and getting rid of the virus from their system and until now the experts cannot really state whether there is a cure or none so probably I will stick to 10% chance of surving and getting well.

A/N: Hi guys what are your thoughts in this chapter is it good or bad? Tell me on the comment section and I am sorry if there are grammar mistakes, punctuation mistakes and spelling mistakes because I just came back on wattpad writing a new story it means I stopped from writing for how many months so that's why and that's all thank you!💞


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