💛Chapter 7💛

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Tine's POV

As days go by its getting harder and harder, I experiencing too much pain I can't take it anymore. I don't know what to do anymore it feels like keeping my hopes high doesn't work anymore.

I am staring at the ceiling when my thoughts diversed, the moment where pain and emotion collides, killing you softly.

Suffer, suffer, and suffer ; ain't indolent to bare with the pain.

Every obstacle has taken seriously that one day it might end and a new journey will start but the burgeoning rate of vitality increases every minute no every nanosecond it seems like that it may not be lucid enough bit it is the truth in my opinion.

Has light forsaken me from enjoying and living my life with Sarawat? I can't take it anymore this enemy was omnipotent enough to destroy you day by day worst, if you are undergoing asymptomatic epoch.

Is it Lucid enough that I deserve this? Maybe yes maybe no, nobody deserves to be in this kind of situation.

I can compare this virus to an Idiosyncratic type, if my body will finally give up then no more Tine will be called nusiance by Sarawat.

Every breathe I take is getting shorter and shorter that any moment the lines in the monitor will finally form a straight line signalling I am out of here already.

Too much pain, too much hopes, too much tears are shed, all of them are too much like its going to be a theory already.

I guess the antagonist of this story has won against me, I am finally closing this chapter of my life and I didn't get the chance to get a glimpse or even call Sarawat but one thing I know my heart will forever be his and his will forever be mine even death will separate me from him.

Once again I am closing this chapter and my journey will end here and I will let darkness finally overcome my body,One thing I know this will become the end of my journey and finally the time has come the monitor starts to form a straight line and my eyelids starts to cover my pupils.

Goodbye till the last breath I take I love you.......Sarawat

A/N: I am very emotional while writing this chapter me myself I felt sadness in me anyways What are your thoughts in this chapter? Is it good or bad?Tell me on the comments section and also don't forget to vote and you always visit my profile for more other books and I am sorry if there are spelling mistakes, punctuation error, grammar errors and typographical errors because I just came back on wattpad (yeah I stopped writing for a few months)  and resume my writing again and that's all thank you!❣


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