💛Chapter 2💛

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Sarawats POV

I am really really worried about Tine because his mother called me and told me to call Tine because Tine is ignoring her calls and I actually freaked out because the past few weeks me and Tine actually didn't really have a proper conversation.

He will always tell me that he is really busy with something else that's why we cannot talk that much or have a proper conversation to each other.

I feel like he is hiding somethibg from us everytime I text him that I will go and visit him in his apartment he will always say "not now Sarawat I'm too busy cleaning and doing some important matters" but maybe in reality he is not really busy.

I also tried my best to call him and hoped that he will get tired and just answer my calls but unfortunately he didn't answer any of my calls and I decided to call his mom once again to tell her that Tine did't answer any of my calls and both of us planned that we will go to Tine's apartment without him knowing so there is no chance that he will make excuses in our meet up.

We decide to go there on friday since I don't have tasks to do on friday and I hope that I can see his smiling face again and be able to hug him.

I miss my love so much, it felt like decades that we don't have each other in our arms even its just 2-3 weeks.

I decided to call him once more and wishing and praying that he will pick up the phone and answer my call, suddenly he answered my call and I said "Tine, my love why didn't you answer any of my calls?", "Sarawat......... my love I am sorry......... *hiccups*..... I didn't mean tooo.....*hiccups*.......I am really really sorry........*hiccups*" after hearing his voice breaking down my heart sank and I said "Tine why are you crying? Did something happen to you-", I wasn't able to finish my sentence because he already cut the call and I started to worry much and suddenly the news flashes that  there are hundreds or thousands of people being infected by the Virus called Corona Virus.

And I started to think that he might get infected.......but please no I hope it's a no.........

A/N: Hi guys what are your thoughts in this chapter is it good or bad? Is the answer to Sarawat's perception a yes or a no? Tell me on the comment section and I am sorry if there are grammar mistakes, punctuation mistakes and spelling mistakes because I just came back on wattpad writing a new story it means I stopped from writing for how many months so that's why and that's all thank you!💞


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