💛Chapter 6💛

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Sarawat's POV
I am currently cooking Tine's favourite dish for my lunch just to overcome the sorrow that surrounds me everytime I miss him. Meanwhile, I started to randomly crash into my phone's gallery to take a glimpse of our memories together and I decided to print them out after cooking to create a photo album out of it. 10 minutes later the food is ready to serve and I started setting up the table, after setting up the table I started to feed my stomach and savouring his favourite dish that reminds me the times where in autonomy of living was still reigning without the presence of Corona Virus. After eating and washing the plates I started to choose photos in my phone gallery which will look perfectly when placed inside the photo album. While printing and placing them in the photo album creatively I cannot escape the reality of thinking about our moments together before the pandemic started to stop us from creating the moments and here are some of them:

 While printing and placing them in the photo album creatively  I cannot escape the reality of thinking about our moments together before the pandemic started to stop us from creating the moments and here are some of them:

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Every photo was priceless when your with your beloved love which is Tine. It reminds me of his cheerfulness, curiousness and of course Tine being a hopeful person. Every single moment that are created, are the ones you will always and forever treasure with all your heart and never forget that as time go by this moments will never fade unless you wish that fate will erase them. Some of the people are wondering how will Tine make sure that having the positive attitude and high hopes will really help him be healed, I can say he is doing a self encouragement to keep him smiling day by day so he will not feel the pain. Most of the patients that are in his shoes right now maybe their minds are full of discourged thoughts but if you will replace them with those happy thoughts and let the positive energy surround you then there are more chances that you will survive rather than you will not survive the misery right? I believe in him and I have faith in him that he will survive this and he will be in my arms again. So much for my thoughts, let's go back in printing and placing the designs in the album and oh by the way I am going to send a pic to Tine in the process of creating this so that even I am not there expressing my love for him is I can express it through little things like this wherein I am keeping those moments unforgotten.

A/N: What are your thoughts in this chapter? Is it good or bad? Did Sarawat's words also got your heart to jump and feel the inspiration? Tell me on the comments section and also don't forget to vote and you always visit my profile for more other books and I am sorry if there are spelling mistakes, punctuation error, grammar errors and typographical errors because I just came back on wattpad (yeah I stopped writing for a few months) and resume my writing again and that's all thank you!❣


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