Ch.1 who am i

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It's cold...........
And dark....
Where am I? 
I open my eyes and I see trees and a lavender sky. As I sit up I can feel the snow beneath my body. And all around me in a wisp there are hundreds of floating lights. Fireflies.
Who am I? What is my name? How did I get here?
My thoughts are interrupted by a voice coming from the sky. As I look up I see the moon.

" hello my child. Welcome to the earth"

"Who are you?"
I hear myself say almost in a whisper.

" I am the man on the moon. And I have given you a second chance at life."
He says in an excited voice as if he was expecting the question.
I look down at my self and see that I am wearing jeans and a large sweater. I reach up to feel my hair and face. My hair is just about back length and it is a dark blue color. My face feels soft and warm.
" who am I mr.moon?"
" you are the guide for the forgotten and the protector of the lost and scared.  Your name can be whatever you choose to be."
I look up at the stars and remember the names of constellations but the one that sticks out to me is Lyra.
" can my name be Lyra?"
" I don't see why not. Lyra your porpoise is to help those who need it and defend those who can't. I am excited to see you thrive here. And remember never let anyone tell you who you are supposed to be."
But before I could ask anymore questions the moon had been covered by the clouds and I guess that means he is finished talking to me. As I stand up and look at my surroundings I notice I am in the middle of a dense forest. I guess I should go find someone who needs my help then. As I wonder through the trees I could feel someone watching me. I stopped in my tracks and looked around my surroundings.

"Looks like your new around here kid. You need some help?"

I look up and notice a boy floating on a stick? I notice how pale he looks and how white his hair is.

"Um yeah. I guess I am new. Do you know how to get out of here? I guess I have a job to do. But I'm not sure what it is."
He doesn't respond for a minute but looks up at the moon and back at me.

" well you were just talking to the man on the moon a minute ago so I'm guessing you are a new spirit. In that case welcome."

"Spirit? What does that mean? Am I dead or something?"

" yeah. It means you passed from a life before this and the man on the moon decided you were a perfect person to help others."

Oh. So I am dead. That's kinda sad. But I guess I cant cry over something I don't remember.

" oh. In that case my name is Lyra. What's yours?"

"Jack Frost. But most people just call me jack. And about getting out of here your gonna have to fly out if you can."

Fly? Could I fly?

" I don't know if I can do that jack. You see I literally was reborn just about an hour ago"

I guess he could sense my sarcasm but he landed next to me.

" ok so what I'm going to describe is kinda weird but do you feel like you could float away in the wind? It's kinda hard to describe but you should feel it in your belly or back."

I concentrated for a minute and tried to feel if I had that feeling. I could but it was very small and in between my shoulder blades.

" um. Uhh  yeah kinda. It kinda feels like it is on my back"

" great. Now focus on it and think about going up"

As I focused I could feel my feet leaving the ground and I flew up at a hundred miles an hour and almost took out a flock of birds that were flying close.

"Awesome look at that your already flying! Now calm down and focus on where you wanna go."

The only thought I could think of was up. So I did. I did amazing loops in the sky and I felt as free as a bird. I was going to go back down to jack but I felt an urge to go west. I took off as fast as I could and before I knew it below me in the trees was a little girl about five was crying and was curled up next to a tree. As I landed next to her she didn't even notice me. Wich was kind of odd because I was kinda loud when I landed but as I walked over to her to help her my hand went through her. My eyes opened in fear but I had to keep calm. She needs my help. If I can't touch her maybe I could get her attention another way. I thought about the fireflies earlier and more seemed to appear around me. The little girl noticed the lights and followed them. I looked around for a house or a person to see if they were looking for her. But off in the distance I could hear a woman calling the name Ellie. So I followed the voice and the little girl followed my fireflies. About five minutes of tracking the voice I came to a clearing and saw the woman looking in the brush. I stood next to her and watched as the little girl was reunited with her mother once again. It warmed my heart to see them together     I could here the little girl saying how the fireflies brought her back and how she was so scared. The mom took her inside of a house next to the clearing and as I followed I could hear the father exclaim in happiness how the thought she was gone forever. I watched through a window as the family had dinner and went to bed. Now what?  It was almost morning but I decided to fly off again and look for more children to help.

Fireflies (pitchblackxoc)Where stories live. Discover now