Ch.8 the bridge

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Lyra's pov:
I flew for a while. Back East to my small home. I landed in a dried up river bed underneath an abandoned bridge just out side of Pennsylvania. I had found this place about four years ago and decided that this is where I could live at. As I walked under the bridge in the concrete walls there was a metal door. I gently pushed open the door and was welcomed to the familiar scene that was my house. It was only the size of a small apartment with only having three rooms. The living room, bedroom, and a small kitchen/bathroom.I learned that I tire and hunger like a normal living person wich was strange but maybe it's just a normal spirit thing. I locked the door behind me and basically crawled into bed. The room had a bed and a small desk. The entire room was lit up by my fireflies in jars. They didn't mind it. And just across from my bed was a small maintenance window that I could see the night sky out of. I fell into a deep sleep just as my head hit the pillow.


I was standing in front of an army of fearings and by my side was the familiar face of a very general kosmotis. He looked determined to win this war. This was supposed to end the fearling our break once and for all. Then we could cage them and finally be at peace. The entire golden army was right behind me. In the front of the army of fearlings stood their leader. A dastardly woman who only seeked out the pain and suffering fear had brought into this universe. Her name was on adine. She had an eerie smile on her face and with a dry and crackled voice she screamed. That was the call to attack. As the giant cloud of fearlings thunderd to us I could feel the ground shake. This was it.
Kosmotis had yelled and raised his hand. That was the trigger. All seven hundred soldiers ran toward the fearlings and when the two sides met there was a sickening clash of metal on metal. When I made eye contact with adine she headed straight for me. I could take her.

{end of dream}

I woke up in cold sweat. What the hell was that? Why did that feel so vivid? Like I was actually there? I brushed it off for now and decided that it was time for food. I walked to my kitchen and looked through the cabinet. I settled on a piece of bread and some jam. I usually go scavenging for food in the dumpster of a couple grocery stores. The food wasn't the freshest but hey. I will take what I can get, Speaking of. I'm almost out of food. I decided to grab an old backpack I had and take the keys to my little place and go on a food run. I locked the door behind me and flew off to the closest grocery store wich was in that same small town that I met pitch in. As I flew overhead of the town I noticed kids waiting at bus stops and adults walking to work. Just another busy fall day. I landed behind the grocery store and walked up to the dumpster. I set my backpack down and got to work. I shuffled around for a while checking for rot and expiration dates. Ooh! A whole loaf of banana bread! Nice. I set it down inside of my bag and continued to look. I was only in there for about three more minutes setting the good food in a pile when behind me I heard a voice.

"Soooo whatcha doing?"

The sudden voice made me jump out of my skin and fall out of the dumpster on my ass. When I turned around it was jack.

" oh! Hi jack! You scared me. I was just looking for some food...Oh. You want some banana bread?"

He gave me a look that said I'm crazy.

" ummm no thanks. I don't eat food."

" look jack if you are only going to judge me because of how I get food then I think you probably should leave me alone."

" no no sorry I didn't wanna seem rude or anything I'm just a little confused. Why do you need to eat? Didn't you die? Do you do other things people normally do? Like sleep?

" um yeah I sleep. Don't you?"

He shook his head no.

" Lyra. I know I died. I saw it happen. I fell into a lake saving my sister. Do you remember how you died?"

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