Ch.11 the kiss

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Pitch's pov:
I had to get away from adine and all of the nightmares. I noticed that less and less of the nightmares would listen to me. I slipped out of the shadows on the top of a cliff by the sea. I would come here sometimes when the weight of everything would stress me out.
It was sun set and the sky was a beautiful orange,red and purple. It's been a while since I sat here just watching time go by.
So this was it. I knew the fearlings would tire of me but was it going to be so soon? I was kind of glad that adine didn't die so she could take them away so I could be with my daughter. But now that she is back to continue destroying the universe it made me think of how much I liked the intoxicating feeling of fear and how much power it gave me. I would have to find a way to fully get rid of adine. And if that means getting rid of the fearlings and the power they gave me then I would do it. I would do it for my daughter and for Rae. She died protecting me from adine once. Maybe she could help me again. But she doesn't remember me.
All I could do was sit on the edge of the cliff and think about Rae and what she did for me. I would do anything to have her back.
I was to deep in thought to hear the footsteps coming from behind me. I felt someone sit next to me. I practically towered over her because of our height difference. When I looked next to me. Rae/Lyra was looking at me with a soft smile.

" hi Lyra. Come back for me so soon? It's only been a day."

" I know. But since your my friend and all I wanted to ask you a couple of questions."

" I've got nothing else to do. Sure why not."

" ok well i recently found out that I'm not from here...This planet I guess idk... And tooth told me that you are the only other person that isn't from here that she knows of. So I was kind of wondering because I had a dream/ memory of a war and a general wich now that I think of looks a lot like you and I guess i am trying to ask if you know who I am."

I couldn't think. She was looking up at me with her bright eyes. Her eyes that were large and round and grey. I could only stare back into them. I couldn't hold myself together anymore. Tears started flooding my eyes and I hugged her. I could feel how warm she is and how soft her skin is. I just sat there and cried for a couple of minutes. She hugged me back and patted my hair. After a while I pulled off of her and smiled.  She looked up at me waiting for a response.

" yes, yes I do know you... You used to be my commanding officer on the field."


He face lit up with excitement and she had the biggest smile on her face. I almost started crying again. She still was the adorable Rae I remembered.

" your name used to be Raven. But I used to call you Rae. I used to be your mentor and you used to be my closest friend."

" oh! Oh!!!! Your name used to be kosmotis didn't it? And,and I remember adine! I remember that!"

I hadn't heard my old name in a long long long time. My heart dropped. This was the proof I needed. This was Rae. How much does she remember?

" yes! Yes. That was my name. But he is gone  now I am not the man you used to remember Rae. Do you mind if I call you that?

I had reached my hand up to her face to caress her cheek . She held my hand up to her face and closed her eyes. Her smile deepened.

" no. I don't mind you calling me that. It feels normal to me. Should I call you kosmotis or do you prefer pitch? I don't remember a lot but what i do are only good things. I remember the first day I met you and I remember how adorable your daughter is. Where is Jane now?"

Jane. My daughter. My face lost its smile.

" she hates me now. She was very sad when you left. And after I changed she hated my guts. She hasn't talked to me since. That was eons ago. I don't mind if you call me kosmotis."

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