Ch.7 a memory

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Pitch's pov:
I was dumbfounded. There she was standing above me with her sword at my neck. But something seemed off. Her eyes were glowing just as bright as the blade that was resting under my chin. Where have I seen this before?
As general of the golden army I had high expectations for my soldiers and so they were put through tests to see if they were strong enough to train to be a soldier. This test included a one on one between me and the student. After a long day of testing students.( most of whom failed) there was one last student. She was the last student of the day. As the small and plump woman entered the small arena she chose her weapon of choice, a long sword and I a simple scythe. I made the first move. But she easily deflected it. This surprised me so I went a little harder. I lunged at her again and tried to trip her with my foot but she somehow used that against me and was able to trip me instead. She flipped me over her back and I was laying on the ground. I couldn't believe it. She had kicked my scythe out of my hands and was standing over me. The end of her sword at my neck. She could have killed me then and there. She then smiled and backed off.

" it has been an honor to take this test with you. I'd be more than honored to fight alongside you in battle!"

How in the hell did this woman do that. The judges on the sidelines were also dumbfounded.
She quickly put her sword down and lent me a hand. I took it and she practically lifted me off the ground.

"How did you do that?"

I said breathlessly

" easy... waited for you to lunge at me because all of your weight would be on one foot and then I used that weight against you and with that momentum I was able the basically flip you over me."

I had never seen this kind of fighting before but I needed this on my team. Hell, she'd be an amazing commanding officer

{end of flashback}

I sat there in the water,Probably looking pitiful. I have to say she is kind of attractive. Especially with her eyes glowing like that. She looked willing to kill. It was a gorgeous look on her. Then her face lit up in recognition.

" pitch? What the hell are you doing here? And why did you attack me?"

Was it really her my commanding officer? My second hand in battle? No it was Impossible. She died a long long time ago. I watched her die. Who ever this is they work for the guardians. I can't trust her.

" because you work for the guardians as you are a threat to my plans!"

" work for the guardians? I haven't even talked to them for about three years. And how am I a threat to your plans?I haven't even seen you since that day in the alley."

Fuck, shes right... Why was I following her anyways. She didn't do anything. She doesn't even fear me. I need to get away. Why can't I make my nightmares? Why the hell was everything so calm around her? I need to go. I don't care if I look stupid i need to get away as fast as possible.
I tried scrambled out of the water and away when I felt a tug on my cape.

"Get off of my cape you vial woman!"

She only smiled.

" oh so now I am vial am I? Tell me pitch do you even know my name?"

Damnit. I didn't. Why is she such a smart ass. I wanted to make her fear me but obviously sneaking up on her wasn't going to work. Nor was attacking her. Maybe I could try something else. Maybe she would fall for seduction. Never tried this before but let's give it a shot. I smiled.

"No my dear but maybe you would like to tell me."

I climbed up out of the water at her and pushed away the sword. She didn't look entertained. She quickly stopped me by putting the blade on my throat. Crap. That didn't work.

" flattery won't get you far pitch."

I guess that won't work either. I carefully pushed away the blade again and dropped my act. I put my hand out for her to shake.

"Since you know who I am. Why won't you tell me who you are."

She looked down at my hand and back up to me and gently took my hand. I instantly felt chills up my spine. This is the first time I've had positive contact with a person for eons. My heart raced. I felt a strange sensation in my chest that I haven't felt since my wife passed away. My face heated up and I quickly let go of her hand. She looked confused for a second. Then it turned into a smile.

"my name is Lyra and even though you were being kinda rude I think we should have a fresh start and put the whole attacking me with that big ass scythe thing behind us. What do you think?"

I was even more confused. But I looked down at my scythe and then back to her. Why would she wanna be my friend even after I literally just tried to kill her? This truely was a strange woman. But I was intrigued and wanted to know more about her. Hell I kinda liked her.

" sure. Why not? I have nothing better to do and you look in dire need of a friend."

I said with as much sarcasm I could muster(not a lot)She just smiled and rolled her eyes at me.

" great! I'll catch you some other time. I've got to go! Kinda busy. Bye!"

And just like the wind she was gone again. I breathed out a sigh as one of my nightmares came up to me. She didn't seem happy with me but I didn't care.

" and where the bloody hell have you been? I could of used your help about an hour ago!"

I screamed at the nightmare. But I wasn't mad. I was kinda glad they weren't here.
But still I had more questions than I had before. I couldn't shake the feeling in my chest and I didn't mind that. It made me wanna see her again.
Wait. Why do I feel like this? I'm supposed to be the nightmare king! I'm supposed to be feared not loved! Hell even my own daughter hates me. Why would anyone ever treat me otherwise?
In the back of my head I heard a small voice.

" give her a chance. She might be able to separate us finally"

It was the fearlings that had possessed me long, long, ago. They wanted out just as much as I wanted out. The problem is that we could never find a way to get us separated. Oh how I longed to be kosmotis again. How I wanted my daughter to love me again.
Maybe she is the key.
Maybe it isn't to late to free myself of these creatures.

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