Ch.9 Rae

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3rd pov:
Somewhere deep in the earth there is a small and dark room. Barely any light could be seen. In the middle of this room a woman sitting in a small throne is waiting for something.
Out of the shadows a nightmare appears in front of her. It speaks in a forgotten language to the woman. She smiles,

" finally, after all these years I knew I would find her again. And this time. She won't see me coming."

Pitch's pov:
I walk up to the globe in my labyrinth and look at all the tiny glowing lights. I hate to see so many. I remember when almost all of them had died out and I reigned king of fear. But now I was just a story told to little children to keep them in line. No one believes in me and no one cares about me except Lyra.

" she is a curious character isn't she?"

I heard the voice of a woman in the back of my mind. I had never heard her before.

"Who are you? And why are you in my head?

" you know who I am. Your friend tried killing me all those years ago. Sad she didn't succeed thoroughly. She only got rid of my physical form."

Adine. Why now did she wanna show up? How long has she been in my head?

"Silly pitch. I have always been in your head. I'm the one who made you open those gates. I'm the one who made you who you are."

" why now are you bothering me? I don't need your help."

" oh but you really do pitch. You see. Your friend Lyra is who I'm after and you are going to help me get her. You wonder why she's so familiar to you and why you care about her. Pitty she doesn't remember you."

" so it is her. Why now has she come back?"

My heart beat in my chest Rae was still alive.
But how? I watched her die trying to kill adine. I carried her lifeless body when the war was over.

" you know exactly how she's back pitch. The man in the moon. He brought her back just to torment you."

She was right. Lyra was an almost perfect match to Rae how had I not seen it sooner?

" wait. What do you want with her?"

" I want to be separated from you pitch. And she is the only person in the universe who can, and when that happens you are free from my fearlings and you can go back to your precious daughter."

I froze on the spot. I could be free? Back to being with Jane? Back to my family? Back to being loved? I couldn't believe my ears. Something didn't feel right.

" why do you want to be rid of me? Why are you determined to get away so fast?

" that's simple pitch. I want to go back to the universe. You never leave earth because there are so many people to terrorize. I want to go back to destroying planets with chaos! You are so much weaker than I am. You never even thought of the possibilities that you have at your fingertips. You love the feeling of being the boogieman."
I was taken back by the sound of her voice. It had grown so loud it left a ringing in my ears.

{flashback 1}
I was teaching the new soldiers how to properly put on their armor. Rae of course was the first to get it right. She was a natural at everything I threw at her. Wich was surprising because when you look at her you didn't see a soldier you saw a short and plump woman who looked like she baked for a living. But looks are very deceiving. She caught me watching  her and she waved at me and gave me a smile while she continued to pull at the chest plate on her.

{ flashback 2}

Rae had easily climbed her way up the ladder all the way to being commanding officer. I was proud of her and I had the honor of being her sparing partner. Hell she even taught me that momentum trick and I almost it mastered. My daughter had even gotten close to her when she visited my home. Rae would pick her up on her shoulders and rampage around the living room. Me and my wife would laugh while Jane furiously giggled on Rae's shoulders.

{flashback 3}

Whenever I was summoned to the lunar house Rae came with. Not only because she was my second in command, but also to see their child. When we would talk about battle plans she would hold him in her lap. After my wife had passed away Rae was their to help me and Jane cope with the loss of the love of my life. Rae had become a close friend to me and my daughter.

{end of flashbacks}

I was sitting on the floor. I hadn't even noticed the couple of tears that ran down my face.

" no. I can't let you do that."

" oh? Having second thoughts pitch? Should have thought of that before releasing me."

I can't let her destroy what Rae died protecting. I had to fight this. I had to fight the fearlings and the nightmares. I had to become what I used to hate so much in order to save what I had.

" I can't let you destroy what I fought so hard for. I might not be who I used to be but damnit if their was ever a time to redeem myself this would be it. So as long as I can fight you will never ever destroy my home."

" you have a strong will pitch. Sad to have to see it broken. I will torment you until the end of time. Until you let me out. YOU HEAR ME? I WILL GET OUT AND I WILL MAKE YOU KILL HER THIS TIME. YOU WILL REGRET THIS PITCH!"

Her voice had become so loud in my mind it left me feeling like I was thrown against a wall. I could hold her back, All I have to do is keep her at bay. Adine had become deadly silent. It didn't matter...

All that matters now was finding a way to permanently kill adine. And save the ones I cared about.

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