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"After mentally stalling I knock. I don't know why I think he'd be up this late-"



Hi. I'm Fiona and i'm the dumbest person I know. What the fuck was I thinking coming to his house at this time? What makes me think he'd want to see me after what I did? What makes me think he wants to put up with me anymore? He should just slam the door in my face.

"You-..you have mail!" I quickly peep at his mailbox. Fuck. "Yea that's all-" I quickly tried to go home, I kept repeating "dumbass" in my head. "Fiona come here." My eyes widen at the dominance of his voice. With that, I quickly obey.

He takes my arm after closing the door and we begin walking up his stairs. The confused look never faded from my face, what's going on? And why is my heart beating so fast? He closed his door and locked it. Like he was glued there, he laid his forehead on the door. "I understand if you're angry..I should just go home." I said feeling bad for the thousand time about what went down.

"You don't get to walk out on me again."

My eyes flicker and my breath became noticeable. "I'm sorry-"

"What were you thinking?!" He nearly yelled facing me, just like glass, I could see right through him. The pain i've caused him planted right on his face. He begins "Look, I don't care that you rejected me. It's fine. But Fiona- running out a fucking restaurant? At night? There was rain and hundreds of strangers, plus you don't even know your way around there! I was looking for you Fiona. I wanted to make sure you were okay. You just can't put someone through that! You're scared? Nervous? Anxious? You fucking tell me. You-"

I heard him. His heart pounding as he relives the moment. I was as scared as he was but I didn't think i'd hurt him this bad. I shouldn't have left like that, he's right. I shouldn't have to make him worry because I don't know how to take things. What he said hits hard. No one would ever try to look for me or worry where i'm at or anything like that, only Felix. I begin to cry, what the fuck is happening with me lately?

"Fiona.." He stops in his tracks and walks over to me. I wanted to yell out "I'm sorry, I know i'm a dumbass" but crying took over that ability. I couldn't say anything. I sent this guy a fucking text saying how sorry I am instead of being here to say it to his face. I cry more realizing how shitty I am to him.

It's not long before Felix wipes my hair from my face while cupping it with his hands. I instantly feel safe in his touch, not exactly how I felt with Zil, this was a genuine touch of safety, touch of security. I know this feeling, I didn't recognize this before but it's always been there.

"You gave me a fucking heart attack" He gazes in my eyes as we both had an unspeakable connection. With that, he combined our lips. It's like he knew I needed this reassurance, like he read my mind. The feeling of the kiss was love. Not lust. He picked me up an placed me on the bed where the kisses were nonstop.

He puts my arms up as the moment gets heated. Taking off my tank top swiftly as I begin to breathe heavy.

Of course i've missed this, he places kissed on my neck while taking off my bra. I slide my hand down to his shorts slowly making my way to his underwear, I could feel him get excited. He grinned his hips as I felt his hard member on my hand while palming it. "Babygirl..." He breathes in my ear causing my core to throb.

I bite my lip as he takes my breast and gropes one while the other was in his mouth. The moment was hot as the pleasure grew. I begin to feel his hand slide down my stomach and into my panties with no hesitation. I moan remembering the feeling of his hand corrupt me. Grinding on his hand desperately hoping the pleasure never stops.

He flips me over as quick as his lust stretched. Pulling my pants fully down now looking at my bare ass. I grab on to the pillow not entirely prepared. He goes in roughly as I weep with moans.

"You didn't forget who I was did you?"

He goes harder making sure he made his mark. He growled with dominance.

"No Daddy" Without command I knew what to call him and I could already feel the fire i've started.

He grabs my cheek and goes harder stretching his back to meet my neck as he gave it more love.

My eyes water as I tear up with passion. This was what I needed, Felix was all I needed. "Cum for me" He whispers in my ear with force. I was already on the verge of cuming, but he already knew that.

He grabs on to the bed rest as I did what I was told. "Fuckkk" he groaned. He slowly grinds into me as I feel it hitting my spot. I cum again breathing heavier. "Now Babygirl" I had already knew what that meant.

I quickly turned around and licked the cum that emanated from his member. Taking my hand I got busy and cleaned him out, swallowing staying true to my motto. He leans back and I lay on top of him.

His hands placed on my lower back as we cuddle. He rubs his face with his hand taking a deep breath, he chuckled "What do you do to me?" looking at me after. "The same thing I always do" I smile laying beside him. "But like- shit." He struggles to approach me. "What?" I ask tilting my head on my hand, watching him. "Nothing" He chuckles again. I look down afraid of the question i'm going to ask soon.

"Where do you always go?" He waits for a minute and then looks at me. I look back at him confused. "What do you mean?" I reply. "Whenever you leave, where do you go? This is like the second or third time you've left. You're not home because I always check." I stare at him while my answer loads. "A friends.." I finally say canceling my staring. "Did you fuck this friend?" He looks back up at the ceiling pausing for my answer.

"Yes.." I nearly whisper but say loud enough for him to hear me. I can't lie to him. It wasn't even an option. Minutes go by as we both state at the ceiling.

"Are you mad?" I finally say regretting the question right after. "No" he whispers like me. I take a breather remembering the question i've been wanting to ask him.

"Do you still love me?"

We look at each other equally after my question, staring into each other's eyes. He pulls me to his chest. I immediately feel his warm embrace. "You hear that?" He asks as I scoot closer. I can hear his heart beat so fast. I didn't blink when I nodded my head. "Beats like that every time i'm with you." He says as my heart goes off. Silence fills the room again, but it wasn't awkward. It was a warm silence. "Wanna hear mine?" I respond hesitantly. He gets down low and holds his head to my chest. "It's like a jackrabbit in there" I smile.

"Our hearts match." I almost cry as he comes back up. "You love me?" he asks whispering again.

The fights, the long nights, the thoughts, the everything was because of him. He is my everything. Wish I noticed it before, everything i've ever needed was with Felix. The words flowed out my mouth.

"I've always have."

:) <3

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