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Taehyung's POV

Another morning came. Another day of pretending that I am fine, that I don't love him anymore and that I love another man.

"Pshhh" I blurted as I start doing my morning routine so I won't be late to our dance practice. As I finish taking a bath and wear a plain white  long sleeved pull over with black pants, and sneakers. I stared at myself through the mirror in front of me.

"Show your boxy smile and be jolly that's who you are Kim Taehyung

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"Show your boxy smile and be jolly that's who you are Kim Taehyung. Don't show your sadness in front of them, especially to him. You are happy with Bogum Hyung, that is what they know and what they believe. Smile" I nod to myself as I smile and walk out of my room and walk down to the kitchen to meet the others and eat my breakfast prepared by Jin Hyung.

 Smile" I nod to myself as I smile and walk out of my room and walk down to the kitchen to meet the others and eat my breakfast prepared by Jin Hyung

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(PS: Please ignore the cap and imagine him wearing the clothes at the 1st picture. Thank you)

"Oh, great your already here. Sit so we can start eating and head to our practice afterwards." Jin Hyung said as he pull me to my sit next to Jungkook who doesn't even dare to look at me.

"Our dance practice today might be longer because we have to memorize the choreography and clean our routines for our comeback" Hobi Hyung said as he eat. We all just nod and as we finish our foods and clean up the kitchen.

After 40 minutes, we are now stretching ourselves for our dance practice. As I do my stretching, I heard Jungkook and Jimin beakers with who will Hobi Hyung choose on who dances well. I watch them run towards Hobi Hyung while laughing. I wish you talk to me like that Jungkook-ah.

"Hobbbbbbiiiii Hyyyuuunnnngggg!!" Jimin calls

"Wae Wae?" Hobi Hyung ask wondering what the Jamless Boy wants.

"Who dances well between me and Jimin-ssi?" ask the maknae as he comes closer to the older one.

"You both know that you dances well and your body moves differently, right?" The older blurted.

"But Hyung, you have to choose between me and Jungkook-ah" Jimin says hoping that his roommate will choose him. Namjoon Hyung heard their conversation and said

"What's the matter between you two, why ask Hobi that kind of question? You know Hobi loves the way both of you dance"

"But Hyung..." Jimin stops as he realize what Namjoon Hyung says was true. It was really true that Hobi Hyung loves the way they dance. I just smile to myself and start ignoring them as I see Yoongi Hyung looking at me, I just give him a nod and a smile.

The dance practice went well, we memorize our routine through out the day and we are now ready for our comeback. We are now heading back home and unluckily I am at the parking lot of our company with Jungkook and we are waiting for our Hyungs. I saw his shoe lace untied and

"What are you d---" I bend over to tie his shoe lace but he remove my hands and do it on his own.

"I can do it for myself, stop pretending that you care. And I don't need you" he blurted. I look at him surprise as I didn't expect him to say that. Tears start forming in my eyes as I look away.

Stop pretending that you care
I don't need you

Words that I didn't imagine I will hear from you. If only I can tell you everything, if only you will listen. If only. I am not pretending I still care and I will always care for you. I still need you and I still love you.

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