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Taehyung's POV

"We have to talk Taehyungie..." Yoongi Hyung said as I open the door wider, he was with Jin Hyung.

"Hyungs? What are we going to talk about?" I ask confused to what they are asking for

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"Hyungs? What are we going to talk about?" I ask confused to what they are asking for.

"Taehyung-ssi, can we come in?" Jin Hyung said in a calm voice, but I know there is something wrong and I hope it's not what I am thinking about.

"Yes, of course Hyungs..." I answered as I step aside so both of them can come in. Yoongi Hyung sit on the bed as Jin Hyung sit on the couch beside it. Yoongi Hyung tap his side for me to sit.

"Are you really in a relationship with Park Bogum?" Jin Hyung started looking straight in me.

"Hahahaha... Hyung why are you asking that? Of course me and Bogum Hyung are in a relationship. What made you think that were not?" I replied laughing as if I didn't know what they are pointing too.

"Tae, you can tell us anything? Please stop pretending in front of us." Yoongi Hyung beg.

"What? I am not pretending. Yoongi Hyung, Jin Hyung what are you talking about? You know what we should rest, we have rehearsal tomorrow." I said trying to avoid the topic and hoping that they will let this pass. But as the older ones, they won't stop...

"Tae, why did you broke up with Jungkook? Why are you pretending that you are with Park Bogum? Can you please answer it?" Jin Hyung said trying to convince me to tell them something. I was going to answer him but Yoongi Hyung said...

"I talk to Bogum before we leave to New Jersey, I ask him if both of you are in a relationship. And I ask him if he knows the reason behind you breaking up with Jungkook." Yoongi blurted out as me and Jin Hyung got shocked.

" Yoongi blurted out as me and Jin Hyung got shocked

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"Yoongi..." Jin Hyung said trying to stop the other to tell everything they've found out.

"Do you want me to tell you what he said, or you will tell us everything?" Yoongi Hyung said challenging.

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