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Seokjin's POV

My legs became weak as I look at Taehyung, many questions are floating in my head right at the moment. We are about to enter the room but the nurse stop us and told us to wait outside, Manager-nim looked at us in shock as he came closer.

"Jin, Yoongi you have to go back to the rehearsal. Don't let anyone get confused and know about Taehyung's situation right now." He commanded and I saw Yoongi frowned

"Why...? Are you telling us not to tell them what happen to him? Wait, what exactly happen to him?" Yoongi asked almost shouting to Sejin-ssi.

? Are you telling us not to tell them what happen to him? Wait, what exactly happen to him?" Yoongi asked almost shouting to Sejin-ssi

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"Both of you calm down, it was his wish. He knew that there are death threats and those threats are mostly for Jungkook and him. He saw a tweet from a concern ARMY telling that Jungkook needs to be careful. He intentionally dressed like Jungkook and ask Jimin to let everyone wear lighter clothes so the shooter might get confused and shoot him. He doesn't want to hurt Jungkook or anyone. He begged me not to be obvious but you still found out. He was shoot on his right shoulder, the medic staff says his in critical situation so we have to bring him to the hospital. And as the older ones, I am also begging you not to tell this to anyone as possible especially Jungkook and Jimin, we don't want them to be uneasy. So please comeback to your rehearsal and I'll be with Taehyung, I'll keep you updated." Sejin Hyung said as he ran following the driver to send him to the hospital where Taehyung will be admitted.

We are still in shock when we came back to continue rehearsing, I want to be at the hospital also but the other member might wonder if I ask to leave.

"Oh? Where is my Taehyungie?"Hobi wonders as he can't see Taehyung anywhere. And that moment I wish for Taehyung to answer asking us to find him but he didn't, I didn't hear his voice. Tears start to form in my eyes.

"He is with Manager-nim, they go back to the Hotel for some reason." I answered him without looking ag him.

"Let's just finish this rehearsal, so we can go back earlier and rest."Yoongi said avoiding the topic.

We continue rehearsing, I waited for Sejin Hyung's message but nothing came. We finish rehearsing at all but no message from him, we head back to the Hotel. I look for Manager-nim if they are already here and to my surprise I saw him standing outside Taehyung's room talking to a man who looks like a Doctor.

"Oh? Who is that Manager-nim talking outside Tae Tae's room?" Jimin asked confused.

As we came closer to Manager-nim, the man he is talking already bid his goodbye and walk away.

"Manager-nim, who is that? And why did you and Taehyung-ssi head back here earlier than us?" Namjoon asked.

I looked at Sejin Hyung but he shakes his head

as if trying to say something.

"Is he...?"Yoongi started.

"Still unconscious..." Sejin Hyung answered the uncompleted question.

"What are you talking about Manager-nim?"Jungkook asked but Sejin Hyung just bows head and leave us, entering Taehyung's room.

"We should rest, tomorrow is our free day but we are still not allowed to go and wonder around Brazil so let's just stay at our rooms. Order for your dinner. I'll go first."I said to them as I walk to my room to change and visit Taehyung.

Jungkook's POV

We are in Namjoon Hyung's room except Yoongi Hyung, Jin Hyung and Taehyung Hyung. Probably Yoongi Hyung is sleeping right now and Jin Hyung is eating his dinner and I don't know to Taehyung - I don't care about him though.

"Is there a problem? Jin Hyunga and YOONGI Hyung seems preoccupied this day?" Hobi Hyung asked looking at Namjoon Hyung.

"I don't know but I feel the same way. Seems like Manager-nim has an idea what is going on. And I think our Taehyungie is involved." Namjoon Htung said.

I just smirked maybe he really wants to wonder around Brazil that he asked for Yoongi Hyung and Jin Hyung's help or maybe his new lover is here that he wants to spend some time with but Manager doesn't allow him so he asked for the two Hyungs to help him. Pathetic.

"Taehyungie, acts weird earlier at the rehearsal. He seems hiding a pain or something. He keep on holding his right arm earlier. He is even groaning as if it really pains a lot."Jimin said as he eats his ramen.

I feel a little panic to what he said, what if he's really in pain? What if he's sick? Yah! Jungkook-ah stop caring to that man. He doesn't need you. He already has someone to care for him.

"What if we sneak in to Taehyungie's room and find out what they are hiding?"Hobi Hyung suggested as he give as a smirked but why do I feel excited about this plan.

"What if we sneak in to Taehyungie's room and find out what they are hiding?"Hobi Hyung suggested as he give as a smirked but why do I feel excited about this plan

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