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After what happen to Taehyung - we finished our breakfast as we decided to be productive, so here we are working our ass out for a healthy body.

"Yah! Taehyung-ah don't be lazy move your ass and do our workout routine!" I complained but he just looked at me as if I tell him the most ridiculous joke.

Namjoon laughed at us "Why do you keep on pursuing Taehyungie, it's not a first time he was just watching us whenever we workout."

"I know but that doesn't mean he won't join us now! So Kim Taehyung, stand up and move now!" I commanded but he didn't complain and do what we - other members doing.

Minutes passed and all I can hear was Taehyungie complaining how tired he is and how he really hate working out because he sweats a lot.

"Arghhh!! I hate you body of mine! Why sweat a lot! Really?!" Tae screams to himself but didn't move to go take a shower, I sat beside him drinking water.

"What is happening between you and Jungkook? Why are you ignoring him?" I asked, he looked at me as if I asked him a non sense thing.

"Hyung, did you forget that we are being recorded, that means we have to keep our distance to each other." He reasoned

"But you also know that they will edit it and cut the scenes that are not supposed to be released right?" I reasoned back, he just shrugged

"You know, he was sulking since we arrived here. He keeps on looking at you like he is waiting for you to approach him." I informed him waiting for him to leave my side and be with his lover but he didn't make a single move.

"I know but he has to be used to it. Me ignoring him and him living without me by his side all the time. You all have to be" He said that got me confused, I was about to asked him what he means but he stands up and run to follow Yoongi Hyung in the kitchen.

I was left still thinking about what he just said - what does he mean by that?


"HYUUUNNGG!!" I heard him scream but I didn't bother to look back because I know he will come closer - he is that annoying after all.

"Babe, I was looking for you. Can you come with us to the grocery store?" Jimin asked - coming out from the room, drying his hair with the towel. I look at him about to decline but he didn't let me answer as he pulled me out of the house.

I looked back to Taehyung still standing where he stopped when Jimin reached me. I was about to say something but he turned his back at me - head hanging low.

"Why do I have to come with you? And I am still sweaty from the workout we all just did, so I'm not going. "

"Can't I spend sometime with my boyfriend? And who cares if you're sweaty or not, it's not like they will smell you before they let you in at the grocery" He answered "But I'm not in the ---" he shut me up with kiss before I even finish what I want to say.

I just let him pulled me - anywhere he wants as I know he won't let me escape. And I can't stop thinking what does Taehyungie wants And why he didn't even bother calling me twice when he saw Jimin.


I was laying on the bed - eyes closed when I heard the door opened and closed, I didn't mind opening my eyes to see who is it.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked as I felt him sitting on the right side of the bed, I ignore him.

"You know that we are being filmed for the rest of our stay here, right? That's why I am distancing myself to you." He added but I didn't give him any attention.

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