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- - - - An Hour or Two Later - - - -

They are now in the private resto bar that Manager-nim reserved for the late night celebration of the success of the Tour, everyone is enjoying the treat as they talked how hard they worked and how they struggle and continue because as Namjoon said "They are Pros".

Members are feeling tipsy as alcohol keeps on flowing onto their system, only Taehyung was left on his right mind. Manager-nim started collecting the members to drive them back at their dorm - don't even asked how hard it is. Tae helped him and when they are heading back Jungkook keeps on leaning his head on Taehyung's shoulder as Jimin asked his boyfriend - Yoongi if he is single, Namjoon hugging Seokjin and Hoseok who is being a little kid asking for a Sprite.

"Yah. Kookie, are you still awake?" Tae asked as he held his boyfriend's chin, Jungkook looked at his eyes

"I am. I'm not even drunk and I can even do you when we got home" Jungkook answered making Tarhyung blush, Taehyung slapped his thigh but Jungkook held his hand and put it on top of his crotch.

"Jungkook ---" Tae said but shushed by Jungkook

"Manager-nim, can you drive us first at the unit I brought?" Jungkook asked the manager and the latter just give him a nod as he (Jungkook) looked at you and give you a wink

"Ohhhhh... someone will get laid tonight!!" Yoongi teased but Jungkook shushed him as they laughed together

Jungkook held your hand kissing it every other minute as he leans his head on your shoulder on your way to the condo. Minutes later, Manager-nim told you to be careful going in and be safe, he walked the both of you to the elevator before he said his goodbye and leave.

[PS: 🔞🔞 Mature Scene ahead... If you are not comfortable, you can skip it... Enjoy]

⚠️ 🐯  💜  🐰  ☕  💦  ⚠️

As the couple waits the elevator to reached the floor they are heading, Jungkook gives Taehyung's neck small wet kisses that they tried to refused but Jungkook pushed him on the corner connecting their lips as his hand roam Taehyung's body. Tae pused him away afraid that someone might see them

"J-jungkook, sto-p! Someone might caught us!" Taehyung said struggling as Jungkook groans and stare as Taehyung's face like an eagle eager to eat his prey. As the ting sound heard and the elevator door opens, Jungkook grabbed Taehyung's arm to run on their unit holding the key card excitedly opening the door.


As the door opens, they quickly walked inside the room lips attached with each other. They shared a kiss full of love and lust, JK grabbed the others thighs as he walked to the couch. The kiss starts to be more passionate and rough as Jk bit his lover's lower lip - invading and exploring the other's mouth with his tongue, a moan escape from Tae's mouth as Jk expertly move his tongue with his - both fighting for dominance, JK grabbed his ass that made Tae released a moan and JK win.

Their hands starts to roam around each other body as JK let their body collapsed on the couch - him hovering Tae who pushed Jungkook away trying to catch his breath. JK starts kissing his neck to his collarbone - hands busy removing his clothes. Tae was a moaning mess below his boyfriend.

"It's been months since I tasted you Love" JK said looking straight to his Eyes - hunger and desire are visible to both of their eyes.

Tae just kissed him again deeply "Mark me. Make me yours. Show me how much you love me." Tae said that make JK confused but let it pass and continue kissing his lover.

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