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Night comes, our Hyungs prepared our dinner and now Tae and I are in charge of washing the dishes and cleaning the kitchen as the other member starts cleaning and preparing to rest.

"Jimin-ah, are you okay with Yoongi Hyung sharing a room with you for the rest of our stay here?" He asked without looking at me.

"Y-yeah, I think it will be fine" i answered and he just looked at me with a teasing smile, I throw him the tissue I used in wiping the table laughing.

"You know what, I think it's the right time to tell him what you feel" he said being serious

"You know that I don't have the confidence to say that, and what if he doesn't feel the same way. Yoongi Hyung can't be gay like us" i worriedly say, he walked closer at me putting his arm on my shoulder

"Trust me. That grumpy Hyung has a deeper feelings for you. And I think he will stop being the grumpy Hyung if you ask him to be your boyfriend" he whispered and start gigling.

"Ehem... Can the both of you do your chores without fussing around?" Jungkook said irretated as he saw us laughing together, I saw how Tae rolled his eyes on him and Jungkook just raised his eyebrow on him.

I laughed at them as we finished our work, Tae says his goodnight as we both enter head to our assigned rooms. I gulped before entering our room, I saw Yoongi Hyung sitting on the bed using his laptop. He looked at me for a minute and I just give him a nod and get myself a new clothes before heading to clean myself.

It took me 30 minutes before I decided to come out of the bathroom hoping that Yoongi Hyung is already asleep but he's not. I ignore him walking at the left side of the bed to sleep.

I heard him keep his laptop, I pretend to be asleep because I know he won't make an effort to talk to me. I was talking to myself - persuading to be exact to tell him my feelings for him, I almost jump when I feel someone's arm embracing my waist. I gulped as I looked at it, I was stunned to see that it was him.

"Please, don't ask me to remove it because I can't no longer restrain myself to hug you." He pleaded

"I've been wanting to these to you for God knows how long but I'm scared you will push me away. Just let me do it tonight and forget that this happen tomorrow." He continued, tears start to fall from my eyes as I listen to him.

He let me go and turn my body to face him, shocked was written on his face as he saw my tears. He panicked and wiped my tears

"Please don't cry. I won't hug you just stop crying." He said, I tried so hard to calm myself but the tears keeps on falling from my eyes. He hugged me tighter still mumbling his sorry.

I pushed him lightly and look into his eyes as I mumbled "Please hug me tighter and don't let me go".


I looked at him slowly letting his words sink in, I was more shocked to what he do next. He kissed me on my lips and turn his back on me.

He fu*cking kissed me! How dare he turn his back on me!

"Yah! Jimin-ah!" I called but he didn't even bother make a single move, I smirked.

I hold his shoulder to let him lay on his back as I straddle on top of him. I smile as I saw how he blushed, I kissed his nose, both of his cheeks and his eyes. I touched his lips and stared at him

"Why did you kiss me?" I asked hoping that his answer is what I am imagining

"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't do that. It's disrespectful." He answered ignoring my stares, You want to prolong this conversation hmm...

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