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[PS: A lot of time skips... Enjoy]

- - - - - - - A WEEK LATER- - - - - - - -


"Hyung, I promise I won't drink too much and Seojoon Hyung is there you know he won't let me get drunk right? So please allow me? Please..." Taehyung begged, he is asking for my permission to allow him go celebrate with his other Hyungs and I told him no.

It's not that I don't trust him or his Hyungs but it's to dangerous for him to drink with them even though I know he doesn't like the taste of alcohol, we can't avoid accidents to happen. And lastly, I don't think Jungkook really allow him especially that he will go spend the night with his Hwarang Hyungs I really don't think so. And lastly, we are still rehearsing and getting ready for the upcoming Final tour of SPEAK YOURSELF here in Seoul. We can't be distracted and we can't be sick throughout the preparation.

It's been days since the management released the documentary we did a week ago as the start of the celebration of our anniversary, and we decided to do the final concert at the last week of the month and uploaded other content that we talked about and the Festa dinner we did months ago for the third week. A lot of preparation needs to be done, dance practice as the same time. Getting wasted and partying are not in the list of priority but Taehyung can't understand it that's why he keeps on asking me to allow him to go and celebrate with his other Hyungs.

"Hyuuuunnngggg... Please..." he continued but I ignored him and walked back into my and Namjoon's room slamming the door to his face.

I let out a sigh once I closed the door, Namjoon looked at me worriedly "Why can't you allow the boy? It's just a small and private celebration with his other Hyungs." He said walking closer to me and gives me a peck on my forehead

"Where's Jungkook?" I asked him, I have to talked to him and know his opinion about it. "Maybe at their room?" Namjoon answered, I gave him a peck on his lips and walked out the room to talk to Jungkook

I knocked on their room door, Jungkook opened it and I asked him if Tae is with him, when he answer no, I pushed him to get inside and start to talked to him.


- - - - ALMOST 10 IN THE EVENING - - - -

I am waiting for Seojoon Hyung's message that he is already outside waiting for me so we can go celebrate. I was glad when Jin Hyung allow me to go, maybe Jungkook let him because I begged Jungkook not to say no and just allow me to spend time with my other Hyungs.


[From: Seojoon Hyung

TaeTae, I am outside your dorm. Come faster we are missing the fun!! ]

Seojoon Hyung texted, I screamed my members name saying my goodbye but only Yoongi Hyung answered but I didn't mind his answer as I run down the parking to meet Seojoon Hyung. When I saw him and his car I immediately jump in and he drove to Peakboy's house where the party will be held.

"Finally!! You guys are here!!" Woo Shik Hyung said as he open the door for us and welcome us with a hug.

I was surprised when we reached the living room of the house to see not just the Wooga Squad there but also some artist that maybe Hyungs invited to, the celebration started - people are getting wasted and having the best time of their life.

As I stand here in the bar section, a little tipsy from the drinks Hyungs has offered earlier, I saw Yoona with her friends drinking and enjoying, Seo joon Hyung with his girlfriend Min Young Eonnie, everyone seems wasted I'm not surprised it's been hours since the party started. And it's been hours since I started ignoring my cellphone from vibrating which I know was a messages or calls from Jungkook or Jin Hyung, I'll just deal with them when I got home.

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