Chapter 11: Follow Me

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Delilah, Dill, Casey, and the turtles all sat in the living room of the Lair. They were all watching a rerun of America's Funniest Home Videos. Deliah's legs were in Dill's lap and her torso and head were in Raph's. Donnie kept his promise- no one knew.

"The pizza's here!" Mikey yelled after he got a notification on his phone. "Casey, will you come with me to get it?" he asked.

"Sure," Casey shrugged as he stood up. Donnie paused the show as they left.

"How old are you guys, anyway?" Dill asked eventually.

"Raph turned 20 on February 28th, Donnie will be 20 on April 17th, and Mick will be 20 on August 24th," Delilah responded in her half-asleep state. "Leo was the oldest." Raph looked at her, confused. He looked at Donnie, who was wide-eyed.

"How did you know that?" Raph asked, looking back at Delilah's head in his lap. That's when she realized what she said.

"Wait... Was I right?" She asked, trying to play it dumb.

"You know what you said. Who told you that, because I know I didn't," he stated. "Donnie?"

"Fine!" She stated after realizing she put herself in deep shit. "I'll show you..."


Raph looked at the entrance of Leo's room. Donnie stood to his left, Delilah to his right. Dill stayed behind out of respect.

"Raph?" Donnie looked at his brother. "Are you ready?" Raph sighed deeply and looked at the ground.

"I don't know..."

"It's okay, Raph," Donnie put a hand on his brother's shoulder. Delilah took his hand.

"We're in this together? All of us?" Raph asked, looking back towards the entrance.

"Now and forever," Delilah whispered. Raph nodded and opened the curtain.

"It's... It's just how he left it..." Raph whispered. No one moved, but Raph and Donnie smiled sadly. "Except for these..." Raph added. He entered alone and looked at the journals. Donnie stood to his left and Delilah to his right.

"Those are what I found out from. The oldest journal- that small, maroon one- starts the day after Donnie's 8th birthday and ends on his birthday. The two newest ones- the teal and ivory ones- are from New Year's Eve until the day..." Delilah whispered.

"What language is this?" Raph asked.

"Latin. I'm assuming he didn't want you guys to find them and read them," Delilah responded. "They were in that compartment in the corner near the poster of Masaaki Hatsumi- the current Togakure-ryū in Noda, Chiba, Japan." Raph looked at the poster and saw the compartment open.

"Was there anything else in there?"

"No. Just those," she responded. Raph looked back at the journals.

"Can you read them to us?"

"Are you sure you want to? You're shaking, Raph," Delilah held Raph's forearm. He slapped her hand away.

"I'm fine, Delilah," he snapped. "Just fucking read it."

"No." She looked up at him. "I will not."

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