Chapter 24: A Chance in Time

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Mick proudly showed the drawing she created to her brothers and Delilah later on that night.

"I put John Lennon, Malcolm X, and Alexander Hamilton in here, too. John Lennon was at The Dakota Apartments on the corner of 72nd Street and Central Park West in Manhattan. Malcolm is at The Audubon Ballroom that was at 3940 Broadway at West 165th Street in the Washington Heights. And I put Hamilton walking around Washington Park in Greenwich Village!" Mick explained happily.

"You put them where they died?" Donnie asked, eyebrows raised. Mick nodded.

"Yeah. Since Leo said he went to where he died when he went there. It makes sense, right?"

"Right," Donnie confirmed. "Can I look at it? You've got the details down to a T..."

"Thanks!" Mick chirped.

"What did you add to your info about the space-time continuum?" Mick added a while later.

"Yeah, I was curious about that. How much do you have, if I may add?" Delilah asked.

"A lot," Raph responded, chuckling. "At least a thousand scientific essays and hundreds of more books, all saved on some flash drive or another."

"I mean, he's not wrong," Donnie shrugged, still looking at Mick's drawing.

"And I'm assuming personal notes?" Delilah asked. She, too, started looking at Mick's drawing.

"Well of course! I have to sort the information somehow, so I put everything into a Google Doc."

"How many pages is it?" Delilah smiled. Donnie paused.


"Word count?"

"1,570,500. 12 point Times New Roman, single-spaced, 1-inch margins." Delilah scoffed.

"I'm impressed, Don. And this is awesome by the way, Mick," Delilah said. She looked up at Mick, who was beaming.

"Thanks, Dee!"

Donnie and Raph hung Mick's drawing on the center of the weapon's wall. Mick was very proud.

They then went to the living room. Mick threw herself onto the couch, and Raph shoved her to sit up so he and Donnie could fit. Delilah sat on Raph's lap once the siblings were all settled.

"What about you, Raph? What did Leo tell you?" Mick asked. Raph held tight onto Delilah's torso, and she didn't mind.

"Just... He really likes Dee, and Dill and Tina, and he really likes that Dee is a part of the team now."

"Oh?" Donnie questioned.

"He said she's a link between the three of us because she's able to calm all of us down in some way, and... And lead our asses into some one-of-a-kind battles."

"I agree with that! Imagine how many times we would have lost if Dee hadn't been leading," Mick said. Dee was blushing and trying to deny.

"Yeah. We have logic and instinct and heart, but not much strategy," Donnie agreed.

"Stop, I'm just a kid," Delilah whispered.

"You're a fighter," Raph said.

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