Chapter 33: More to a Leader Than a Title

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It took three days for the swelling in Delilah's ankle to get low enough for Donnie to take a proper X-Ray. He put the machine over the injured ankle and gave Delilah a pair of protected goggles. She put them on as he put on his own.

Donnie soon got a picture and put over a light. He took off the goggles and Delilah did, as well.

"Raph, Tina, Mick- you can come in now," Donnie said as he looked closely at the picture.

The three of them were by Delilah's sides in a moment. Tina and Raph knew their relationships with Delilah were much better than they were four days prior. Raph especially knew that his relationship with Delilah wouldn't be anywhere near completely restored for all he did to her, but he also knew that he still loved her deeply.

Donnie sighed deeply after examining the picture.

"That didn't sound good..." Delilah whispered.

"It... It's not good," Donnie admitted. "You have a serious break."

"That's definitely not good," Delilah said.

"Yeah. It'll take about two and a half months, give or take," Donnie said, letting Delilah see the picture.

"It looks awful..." Raph said, feeling awfully guilty.

"Isn't it painful?" Tina gasped.

"Not really- mostly numb," Delilah said. "My opinion is we check it in a month- 4 weeks. But I'll let you be the judge of that." Donnie looked at it.

"Probably... I'll X-Ray it again in a month to check," Donnie said. Delilah agreed.

"This part is my own fault," Delilah said after a while.

"What do you mean?" Raph asked. "You did nothing wrong."

"I was stupid and walked on it for six days straight," she said. "It is, in fact, my fault that the break got this bad."

"And it didn't hurt?" Mick asked. Tina shot her girlfriend a glare, but Delilah put a hand on top of Tina's.

"Again, not really. It felt mostly numb, and there was also too much on my mind for me to actually feel it," Delilah admitted.

"That's terrible..." Mick whispered. Delilah chuckled curtly.

"Yeah. I guess I do throw myself into danger..."

Raph swallowed his pride and took Delilah's hand. She let him. He knelt to both knees next to her.

"From now on, I'll protect you at all costs," Raph said.

"Even though I look for danger?" Delilah asked, looking up at him with sad eyes that made Raph's chest tighten.

"Even though you look for danger. I'll make sure you're safe- and I will keep this promise this time," Raph said earnestly.

Delilah closed her eyes and sighed in relief. She leaned into Raph's chest and felt content when he put his arms around her.

"All of this doesn't mean I can't still be a leader," Delilah said, almost out of nowhere. "There's more to it than the title, and being in the middle of the fight."

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