Chapter 31: Taking it Too Far

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It was Tuesday, September 15th and Delilah was already in her third week of classes for NYU. Tina was also in her third week of classes for Northwestern University. They were mostly online, but it was a work in progress.

In the meantime, since it's 10:15 PM, Delilah was doing personal training with Raph. She didn't expect him to be so... Out of character...

"You find every little thing to critique! I am always doing something wrong in your eyes," he snapped once she asked about it. She stood there, wide-eyed. "What? Do you do this with Mick and Donnie, too?" She nodded her head 'yes.' "I doubt that- there is no way you would point out every flaw that Mick has."

"I don't point out every flaw!" she said, trying not to get defensive. He scoffed.

"What is it with me? Do you think you can knock me around just because we're together?"


"Then what is it?" he started yelling. "Every damn session, 'Raph, try this,' 'Raph, fix this.' Every damn thing." She tried not to let it hurt her, but it was.

"Oh, now when I say something, you're gonna cry? Like a child?" he asked. He saw her eyes watering a little and used it to his advantage. She didn't respond, and he chuckled. "You're weak, you know that? With a quick tongue and a handful of fancy moves, you make people think you're stronger than you are. But guess what? I could easily knock you into the ground."

She didn't even react, which was like putting gas on a fire for Raph's frustration. He decided to poke at each and every flaw of hers he could find.

"And you have constantly plunged head-first into danger with no regard for your safety, like... Remember when you jumped into the Foot Clan's van after getting your stitches? You practically died that night, and you seem to have no cares about it," he laughed. He could tell she was tensing up, but that fuelled him even more.

"And the fact you're still hung up on the Collapse of Columbus when it was six months ago. And since we met you, you've gotten more and more controlling of us! Why? Maybe because you had no control over that and you want to take it out on us! Do you want to control us like your slaves? What's next- put us in the zoo?"

With that, she seemed to snap.

"Leo would have loved to see your soft side that you put a mask over while he was alive; he's upset you never trusted him with that and is angry he's learning it now he's dead." With that, Raph's face fell. Hers only hardened now that she had gas on her flame.

"Actually, all of your siblings are upset that they don't see it. If you think about it, you're also playing the 'tough guy' around them, but almost never when it's just me. Do you trust some random girl you met six months ago more than your siblings who you've known for 20 years?"

That's when he grabbed her. He grabbed her biceps and practically threw her across the floor of the dojo. She collapsed to the ground in a heap, certain that an ankle got sprained or broken. She balled her hands into fists and used them to get herself up. Oh, her ankle definitely broke pretty bad. She heaved as she glared at him. He glared right back.

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