Chapter 4

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After the party happened, I can't say that the next two weeks were any easier. Besides studying like a madman for finals, I also had to firmly tell all the nobles that my decision was final and there was no going back.

"Woah slow down, where's the fire?" Seonghwa joked as I broke into a run to head out.

"Seong, I'm trying to make it to my last day of finals and school without getting caught in an hour long conversation with stuck up nobles," I quickly explained.

"I'd like to accompany you. It's not everyday you attend your last day of high school," he said.

"Then let's go, but hurry up," I beckoned.

We hurried out of the palace, my other to security members right behind us as we all snuck out past all the eager nobles.

Luckily we got out in time and made it to school with minutes to spare.

I quickly got to my first class, taking every minute to study.

When the bell finally rung, I looked at Seonghwa nervously.

"You'll do great your highness," he winked.

And with that he and the other guards waited outside.

Come on Areum. One more day of hell and you're done.

Time Skip

When I finally got out of my last class, I squealed with joy.

"Ha! No more of that for the rest of my life!" I exclaimed.

For the first time, I think I actually felt happy in high school.

"Wait before we go, I need to go to the bathroom," I said.

Seonghwa and the other guards nodded, waiting patiently outside.

I quickly did my business, and was washing my hands when the door opened.

"Thought I'd find you in here."

Oh dear lord.

I turned to face the campus royalty one last time.

"I've been planning this for a while. Now that high school is over, you get to go back to your castle and live out your life as a princess and future queen. But the rest of us, we have to go to college and work hard to get anywhere close to that. I've been waiting to wipe that spoiled look off of your face."

Before I could react she grabbed me by the shoulder, pushing me back roughly.

I wasn't going to fight her back but I had to try and deescalate the situation, "Stop. My guards are outside and they'll hear."

"No they won't. Because you're too pitiful to call to them or make noise. You pity me. If you thought I was going to use that pity you are sorely mistaken," she huffed.

She slammed me against the way, her hands on either side of my face.

"Then hit me," I said.

Her face burned with rage, before she grabbed me and threw me to the ground. My head hit the floor pretty hard. I didn't move, feeling the dizziness and pain set it.

She gave me a hard glare, "Have fun with your concussion princess."

And with that she left quickly, past my guards who didn't even suspect a thing.

My head was pounding, but I slowly sat up trying to gather my bearings.

I shook it off, leaning on the sink weakly. I guess I fell harder than I thought. But I was utterly shocked. I knew that she never liked me, but she was extremely angry. It was terrifying.

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