Chapter 25

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We had all been taking turns sitting with Areum and taking care of her. The country was still in a panic about her disappearance, and apparently people had gone to my house to search it.

"Do you think my friends will be okay?" I asked.

"They should be. Knowing the opals, they'll want you only. So unless one of your friends rats you out, you'll be fine. Not that any of them know you're here," Areum's father said.

She had been knocked out for the whole day, slowly healing as we cared for her. I don't blame her though. After the lack of sleep she's been getting, I'd take a day long rest too.

I was sitting with her in the back room, gently dabbing a wet towel on her head as well as some of her injuries. They had really done a number on her. I don't know how bad the abuse was, but from the looks of it, it seemed like a daily occurrence. It made my blood boil to think that they'd touch her like that.

I took her tiny hand in mine, gently kissing her signet ring.

"You protected me all this time, now it's my turn. Let's figure it out together okay?" I hummed, caressing her face.

She stirred slightly, her eyes slowly fluttering open.

I felt my heart twist and leap in joy.

"You're awake," I hummed.

Her eyes met mine, her eyes creasing as she smiled. But she suddenly frowned.

"This better not be a dream where I wake up in that stupid cell with Young Gi towering over me," she pouted.

I chuckled, cupping her face in my hands, "You're not dreaming princess. I'm real. You're real. We're all here. And most importantly, you're safe."

Her face scrunched up and then she burst into tears. She sat up straight, latching onto me. She was squeezing tightly, like if she let go she'd lose me. But I didn't hesitate to hug her with a similar intensity, still being careful not to hurt her.

"Oh god. You're real. Oh my god," she softly cried into my shoulder.

I rubbed small circles on her back to help her calm down.

"Mingi...oh my god I'm so sorry," she coughed.

I cupped her face, wiping her tears away, "The only one who should be apologizing is me. I got angry without considering anything that had happened. That was my fault. But now I understand. And now I'm taking over. You're not alone in this. We'll bring those sadists to justice. Together."

She rested her forehead against mine, her ragged breathing matching mine.

"I love you Mingi."

"I love you more Areum."

Just then the door burst open with Seonghwa at the front. He practically pushed me away from Areum, wrapping her in a delicate yet tight hug.

It didn't take long for those two to start crying all over each other. He embraced her warmly, her tense body instantly relaxing in his arms. Eventually Jiho and Wooyoung greeted her, the little reunion being a lot more heartwarming than I ever expected.

"I don't want to cut this short, but if you're feeling up to it, we need answers about what happened Areum. We need a strategy," her father said.

Areum gave a bitter smile, "Yeah sure."

Areum POV

And so I explained all that had happened from the first encounter with Young Gi to the failed escape.

Mingi and Seonghwa looked like they were out for blood.

My father looked conflicted too, "So your mother is in on this? I never thought she'd do something this awful."

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