Chapter 28

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Areum POV

My eyes fluttered open, adjusting your the unfamiliar setting.

"Where am I?" I groaned, pain erupting all over my body.

Memories came flooding back of me and mother, and then Young Gi, and that stupid syringe.

My hands we're bound by ropes to the bed rest so I couldn't get up.

"Young Gi!" I called, my voice hoarse.

Compared to the last time I had a run-in with the poison, I felt a lot weaker. Sick even. I had a headache, my throat hurt like hell, and my body felt hot.

The door opened and Young Gi stormed in.

"Afternoon Princess, I hope you enjoyed sleeping for a whole day," Young Gi untied me from the headboard and left the rope on the nightstand.

"The stylists will be in today to make you look your best because we have an address today. Don't blow it," Young Gi warned.

As he left, his stylists piled in and forced me down so they could do their thing. I however had no energy to do anything. As they worked I felt myself falling back to sleep, or sneezing because of the pounds of makeup trying to hide my bruises and scars.

It was getting cooler in Korea so they dressed me in this wintery outfit, despite the fact that I was sweating a storm.

It was getting cooler in Korea so they dressed me in this wintery outfit, despite the fact that I was sweating a storm

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I thought I was going to have a heatstroke it was so unbelievably hot.

"Come on brat. You're adoring public is waiting," one of the stylists scoffed, tossing me into the harsh arms of my guards.

I was stumbling over my own feet, barely able to even walk due to the poison in my system.

Young Gi fixed my tiara on my head, giving me a knowing smile.

"Yeah, yeah got it," I groaned.

He led me out onto the the main balcony and seated me in the 'Princess Throne.'

My mother was in her seat, giving me side glances every so often.

But I could honestly care less about her. My head was swimming and I felt like vomiting. I gripped the arms of the throne tightly, wincing as pain shot through my body.

"Areum, are you feeling alright?"

Mingi and the others had discreetly made their way over to me and were trying to blend in with other guards while trying to check up on me.

"Fine...go...back...get...caught," I heaved.

My head started to lull to one side.

Mingi, bent down looking into my eyes. He pressed his hand to my temple.

He looked at the others with extreme concern, "She's burning up. And it's not mild. She's extremely hot."

The others felt my forehead as well and came to the same conclusion.

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