Chapter 21

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The chapter is gonna depict abusive tendencies. Skip the part when Young Gi comes into her room if you don't want to read it. Note that these will get progressively worse. I will put a warning at the beginning of the chapter though. Please know if you are dealing with domestic violence or child abuse that you should reach out to. It is imperative that you fight back.

Areum POV

After Mingi left and all the staff that wasn't under Young Gi's legion left, I retreated to my room and instantly fell asleep.

But when I woke up the next morning, I was sad to see that it hadn't been a dream.

"My nightmare starts now."

I got ready and headed out into the palace, unused to seeing the place crawling with Young Gi's psycho family.

The two guards who used to go to school with me were apparently under Young Gi's lead so they were my new acting bodyguards.

The second I stepped out of my room, the two of them roughly grabbed my arms and pulled me along. Normally I would've fought back, but I had a feeling I should get accustomed to the prisoner-esque treatment.

They dragged me into the throne room and flung me to the ground.

"You could be more delicate," I huffed, picking myself off of the ground.

Young Gi was waiting in the throne room with Haneul by his side.

"I'm glad you could make it my dear," his eyes sparkled with something evil.

He yanked me to his side, holding onto my arms way to tightly.

"Alright my queen, let me explain a few concepts to you. As of now, you are a prisoner in your own home. To compensate for the trouble your bloodline has caused us, you'll be facing painful punishment. My suggestion, comply with us and it'll be over sooner than you think."

I squirmed out of his grip, backing away.

"W-why are you doing this? What do I have to do with anything my father or my grandfather or my great-grandfather did?"

Haneul laughed, "Are you dense? You don't have to do anything. The mere fact that you're related to them is reason enough."

I resisted the urge to punch her smack in the jaw.

She grabbed me by the hem of my shirt and threw me back down to the floor.

I winced, pain rushing to my head.

They were about to continue their abuse when a guard burst into the room.

"Her mother wants to see the two of you."

Young Gi clicked his tongue, "Looks like your mom can still do stuff for you. Tell her we'll be out in a bit."

Young Gi lifted my chin with his finger.

"Come beautiful. Mother dearest is calling. I'll go sit with her while my team touches up your makeup. And then you'll be escorted by your guards. Bye my love."

He walked out, Haneul following him.

Once they left, the slew of their personal stylists came in, dragging me onto a chair.

Let's just say they were not delicate. They forcefully applied the makeup, clearly expressing their hatred for me through their aggressive actions.

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