Chapter 1: Blood

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  New story! Yayy. This one is pretty self explanatory. Vampire. IzuOcha. Etc. Enjoy!

  Little Izuku was returning home from his doctors appointment happily. He has a quirk! And an incredibly strong one, according to his doctor. They had been unsure as to what exactly it was, but they could tell it was an augmentation-mutation type.

  "Mummy, what do you think I will be able to do?? Do you think I'll be as strong as All Might?? Then me and Kacchan can be the best heroes ever!"

  Inko just smiled at her adorable son.

  "I'm sure you will be Izuku, but you need to be careful, strong quirks can just as easily hurt innocents, so you have to do your best to control it, ok?"

  Izuku just laughed like his hero. "Of course citizen! I would never turn my quirk to an innocent!"

  They both broke out into a fit of giggles.

  Time skip while Izuku drains the life from his enemies.

  The next morning, izuku wakes up with a pain in his bottom lip, and a metallic taste in his mouth.

  *'s good..* he mumbled groggily, before shooting awake, licking his lips to clean away the substance. He can feel pointed fangs where his canines used to be.

  *It must be my quirk!!!* He thought excitedly, running through to his mother's room, then downstairs to find her.

  "Mummy, mummy, look! I got my quirk!!!" He jumps around in the kitchen while his mother smiles patiently and waits for him to calm down.

  "Well, I can't see what it is when you're jumping about Izu!" She laughed, patting his hair as he slowly subsides.

He stands facing her, and smiles wide, flashing his new teeth.

  His mother stares with wide eyes. "Wow Izuku, you look like a vampire! Let's have breakfast, and then we can go see the doctor again, he was expecting this to happen."

  She dials the number the doctor gave her for when his quirk manifests.

  "Hello? Ah, hello doctor, Izuku's quirk manifested this morning. Yes, it looks like a mutation. He has grown fangs, like a vampire. Okay, we will be there in an hour."

  She puts her phone away, and gestures for Izuku to begin eating as she joins him at the table. Izuku takes a bite of his food, before making a face.

  "Mwmmy, wt dwsmt taste gwwd." He mumbles through his food.

  Inko looks at him with concern. "But it's your favourite Izuku, and it dosent taste any different to me.. hm.. spit it out then, it must be to do with your quirk. Let's just go see the doctor."

  Yet another incredible time skip.

  The doctor returned with the tests results. He smiles at Izuku.

  "Well young man, it seems you have quite the power! You have manifested the fangs of a vampire, and your entire digestive system has altered, we aren't sure what is going on with it, but we will know soon. Now, it will take a while for you to get used to the fangs, but you also will require a new diet, presumably. Your favourite food tastes horrible, and your features alter to that of a vampire. Your own body temperature has drastically dropped, and you're eyes are gradually changing colour to red. I'm afraid this probably means your diet will need to consist only of meat, or blood." Izuku and Inko's faces turned sour at the thought. "I know it is not a nice thought, but you will most likely require blood to survive."

  Izuku and Inko sat quietly, waiting for the doctor to continue.

  "Now, we are unsure if you will manifest any abilities, however your muscle mass and density has already altered, so we assume super strength will be an attribute. Also, your thought processes are off the charts, your brainwaves leaping left and right, meaning your intelligence has also been altered for the better."

  Izuku grins at this, amazed at the fact he will become a strong hero.

  The doctor put his notes down. "We will need to test to see what Izuku's new diet needs to be, but it shouldn't take long. Izuku, will you come with me a moment?"

  Izuku mods, and follows the doctor into the next room.

  "What do you need me to do?" He asked excitedly.

  The doctor smiled at his eagerness to discover his hidden traits. "We have a selection of foods here-" he gestures towards a table with various samples."- and I would like you to try them all, tell me which are horrible, and spit those out, whichever are nice you can eat. Got it?"

  Izuku mods his head frantically.

  "Very good. Let us begin then.."

  One Man Vs food battle later...

  "Nothing?? No foods satisfy you young man! It's incredible! Let's try this last thing. Here." The doctor hands Izuku a red sachet, which he drinks the contents of.

  Izuku smiles "it's good!" He grins at the doctor.

  The doctor cheers in mock relief "what a relief, you would have been quite the problem if we were unable to feed you anything!" He smiles at the boy, letting him know he was joking. "Now, let's return to your mother."

  They both return to the room in which Inko is nervously waiting.

  "Now, we have found what it is the little vampire can eat. From the way his digestive system has changed, it would be bad for him to ingest any normal foods. It's like if you or I were to eat plastic. Or chemicals. So the only thing we can feed him is, of course, blood. Human blood, to be specific. Do not worry about getting any, I will arrange frequent deliveries from donors. Anyway, I have kept you both for long enough, school starts soon for you, dosent it?"

  The doctor smiled as the trio walk to the exit.

  "Thank you doctor, I will call if anything happens." Inko says, a little faintly.

  "Very well Mrs Midoriya. Now, Izuku, it would be best if you don't tell others that you have to drink blood. I would suggest refusing any food offered, and just say you need a specially made food. Okay?"

  The boy nods frantically once again. "Okay sir, I'll make sure not to tell anyone."

  "Very good. Now before you go, make sure to take this." The doctor enters a room off of the corridor they are passing through and re emerges with several packets. "Have one full one now, and have one a day, every morning, okay? That should be all you need. I'll send more in a couple of days."
  He stops at the front door. "See you next time!" He waves.

  What did you think? This is pretty much an op Izuku story. Bakugo will also be nicer in this one. Anyway, hope you enjoyed!

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