Chapter 5: All Might

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  You thought it would be Aizawa, but it was him, All Might! He works at UA remember, and watched the entrance exams.

  Izuku was returning home from a shopping trip his mother sent him on when a skinny, skeletal man stopped him.

  "Excuse me young man, may I have a moment of your time?"

  Izuku smiled. "Sure, what do you need All Might?"

  All might coughed blood. "H-how do you know that young Midoriya???"

  Izuku just rolled his eyes. "It's not that difficult to figure out. I've met you once, and Kacchan and I have been your fans since forever. Your hair is similar, just loose and down. Your eyes are the same, and you don't even disguise your voice. You also talk in the same way as when you're buffed up."

  All Might was baffled. "A-Ah.. I suppose I shall have to do something about that then.. perhaps I should get some glasses..."

  Izuku smiled at his idol. What was it you wanted to talk to me about All Might?"

  "Please, Toshinori is fine for this form. I wanted to make you an offer..."

  One explanation later.

  "..and you want me to be your successor??" Izuku asked, wide eyed.

  "Of course! I saw how you selflessly took the hit from the giant robot for that girl! I would be honoured if someone with your heroic spirit was to inherit my quirk!" Toshinori exclaimed.

  Izuku thought carefully. "Can I give you an answer later? It's a lot to take in and consider."

  "Of course my boy! I will accept any decision you make, but it will be difficult to find someone with your selflessness in this day and age."

  Izuku smiled. "If I cannot think of a good reason not to accept in 24 hours, I will accept your power. Thank you again, Toshinori."

  Toshinori waved to Izuku as he left down the road. "If you choose to accept, meet me at Dagobah beach!"

  *He would make an excellent successor.* Toshinori thought.

  The next day, at Dagobah beach.

  Izuku waved to Toshinori as he strode across the sand. Toshinori had a wide smile as he spotted Izuku approaching.

  "So you have decided?"

  "Almost. If I take it, it will become my duty to battle All for One, right?"

  "Sadly, this is the case my boy."

  Izuku smiled at the gaunt man. "Then I gratefully accept. With our quirks working together, I am certain I can end your feud. Don't worry All Might, the future will be safe in my hands."

  Toshinori beamed. *Just what I expected.*

  All Might buffed up, and plucked a hair from his head. Izuku suddenly didn't think he made the best decision.




  "Could it be blood instead? Because I don't know what that hair will do to my digestive system."

  All might coughed. "V-VERY WELL THEN. HOW DO YOU WANT TO-"

  Izuku clamped his fangs onto All Mights proffered hand, drawing a little blood.


  Izuku wiped his mouth. "Sorry All Might, first time using my fangs.. they're sharper than I'd thought."

  All Might have a hearty laugh before shrinking back to small Might.

  "It's quite alright. Now, because you have a quirk, you should be able to regulate the output of your power straight away. I'd say you should be able to use about 8% of One for All right off the bat. Do you know how to do that?"

  "Yeah, I understand. A couple of my abilities need concentration like this."

  2 hours or so later.

  Izuku suddenly looked up from his position on the bench.

  "I feel it."

  Toshinori grinned.

  "Excellent. Now remember what we talked about. Regulate how much power you use."

  Izuku nodded and walked out to the shoreline. He pulled back a fist and stopped, calling on One for All. He felt the energy course through his raised arm, and threw his fist forwards. A perfect 8% punch.

  Toshinori applauded from behind.

  "Well done, very good getting it on the first try! I suppose you didn't want a broken arm then young Midoriya?"

  Izuku laughed.

  "Now all you need to do is practice at 8%. The more you train, eventually, the more energy you can use. See if you can figure out how to optimally use One For All."

  Izuku nodded, staring at his fist.

  "I suppose if I want to use it efficiently, I'll need to practice switching where I use it. Or if I spread it all around at once..."

  "My boy, you're muttering again!"

  "Oh, sorry Toshinori." Izuku looked embarassed.

  "It's quite alright my boy. So, I believe you will be able to just tell people it's a new aspect of your own quirk. It fits quite well after all."

  Izuku nodded. "Thank you again Toshinori. I'm happy you chose me, and I won't let you down."

  Toshinori chuckled. "I'm happy I chose you too my boy. Now, go on home, I'll see you at school. I'll assess how much you've figured out then."

  "Okay. Goodbye Toshinori!" Izuku ran home, waving over his shoulder.

  "Goodbye young Midoriya!" Toshinori called, walking home.

  Ok, the next chapter really will be the first day of school. Hope you enjoyed this slightly shorter chapter. See you next time!

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