Chapter 14: Return

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  Izuku had been bombarded with questions when he entered the class. Apparently, someone had videoed his interrogation of the Hero Killer, and it had become viral online. Some people agreed with the Killer's ideals and methods, but they were the minority.

  The majority of people who saw the video agreed with what Izuku said. Sure, some heroes were corrupt, like Stain believed, but as Izuku explained to the Killer, you need all the facts before pointing fingers.

  So this was why, when Izuku entered 1A, he was bombarded with questions and praise.

  "That was so cool dude!"

  "How could you stand up to him? He was scary on screen, how did you face him in real life?"

  "That was so manly, standing up to the hero killer like that!"

  "Midoriya! That video was epic! He terrified all those pro heroes, and you just told him off him like a little kid!"

  It was then that the harbinger of sleep entered the classroom, Shota Aizawa. The tired reaper slouched to the front of the room, his celestial sleeping bag in hand.

  "Quiet down, and return to your seats. You can chatter later." The Sleepy One said.

  Aizawa cast his gaze around the classroom.

  "Good. Now, All Might is conducting a test with you today in field Beta. Make sure to grab your hero costumes and head straight there after Homeroom. Anyway, don't wake me unless it's important."

  Aizawa then rolled under his desk and into his sleeping bag.

  Izuku stood before his mentor, an embarrassed look on his face.

  "I am proud of you for standing up for what's right my boy. Good work taking down Stain and saving your classmates. I admit, his ideology may be a problem, but your speech is certain to have changed people's views on them." Toshinori said, a proud sparkle in his eyes.

  Izuku was saved from further embarrassment by the arrival of his classmates.

  "Damn Midoriya, that shadow travel thing you do is pretty useful." Kaminari said.

  "Welcome students! Now, today will be a simple excersise! I will be a civilian in danger, somewhere within the city behind me. Five of you will start at once, in a race to save me first! You must be swift, and are not allowed to harm or prevent your competitors from progressing in any way." All Might said, looking at Bakugo.

  The blonde "tch"ed, looking away.

  "You must also keep property damage to its absolute minimum."

  The rest of the class looked at Bakugo.


  "The first people to go are young Sero, young Ashido, young Iida, young Sato and Young Midoriya. I await you all in the city. No shadow stepping allowed young Midoriya."

  With that, All Might leaped off into the city.

  Izuku grumbled as he went to his starting position. He understood why he wasn't allowed to, but it was a little stupid. He could shadow step indefinitely.

  The horn blared out.

  Izuku activated One for All at 20 percent, becoming a green blur racing over pipes and beams, past his classmates and reaching All Might in under 40 seconds.

  "How did I do?" Izuku asked.

  All Might glanced at his tablet.

  "You traveled a linear distance of 700 meters in 36 seconds, but with all the jumping and weaving around pipes you did, it's closer to 900 meters in 36 seconds. That's quite the achievement." He said.

  Sero arrived a minute later, huffing and puffing.

  "Holy crap dude, that was insane!" He spluttered.

  Izuku chuckled, watching as Mina and Iida raced onto the platform.

  The rest of the races went by, but not as spectacularly as the first.

  "Good job everybody! I'm glad to see you've all improved greatly since the internships! Now, I shall take my leave!"

  All Might leaped out of the model city.


  Izuku headed home alongside Katsuki, Ochako and Tenya. They were discussing the upcoming exams, and the possible ways they would be tested.

  "I heard it would be robots again, just like the entrance exams." Ochako said.

  Tenya nodded in agreement, while Izuku shook his head.

  "It shouldn't be so simple. Why would they just pit us against robots again?" He asked.

  Katsuki grinned.

  "As long as I get to blow stuff up, I don't care what the final exam has!" He said.

  Izuku opened his front door, calling out to his mother.

  "We're home mum!" He said.

  "Hello dears, how was school?" Inko asked.

  "It was as excellent as ever Mrs Inko!" Tenya said.

  "It was fine Auntie." Katsuki grumbled.

  Ochako smiled. "It was fun! We had a heroics lesson to test the experience we gained on our internships!"

  Izuku slumped onto the sofa.

  "It was tiring. I've never run so fast in my life..." He said.

  Katsuki sat on his left.

  "That's what you get for showing off, damn Nerd!"

  Ochako sat on his right, with Tenya on her other side.

  "You were really fast Deku. Like, you got to All Might in about 30 seconds!" She exclaimed.

  Tenya nodded.

  "My quirk makes me fast, and even I was impressed by your pace."

  Izuku sighed.

  "I just hope the exam doesn't tire me out as much.."

  "You've probably gone and jinxed it! Now we're going to be fighting All Might ore some other ridiculous crap like that!" Katsuki steamed.

  A week later, and Izuku was stood beside Katsuki, watching All Might head into battle ground Gamma.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2021 ⏰

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