~No one hurts my friends~ ch.1

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I open my eyes to see a bright light hitting my face. I shut my eyes and turned my body to the other side of the bed. I groan in annoyance. 'Wait.. Today is the last day of school' I jump up from my bed and jump in joy and run to open my door to see my mother about to knock on it. " Oh! Goodmorning sweetie! You look happy? What's so exciting?" She asked  "mom. Are you SERIOUS!? Its the last day today! Finally! I don't have to go to school until another 10 months!"
I said running down the stairs, screaming. My mom just smiled and walked down after me.
After I ate my breakfast, went upstairs and got ready. I kissed my mom and dad goodbye on their cheeks and ran out. I was walking to school, then I saw izuku! I ran up to him and hugged him! He screamed in fear then turned his head to see me. " Hey-y y/n h-how are you!?" He said nervously. " I'm great! Can you believe it! Last day of school, Today! I mean, ofcourse I'm gonna miss you! But you live right next door, so I can see you anytime!" I said while looking up at the sky with joy. " I know... I'm sure gonna miss you! But who knows maybe I can get into U.A.! And we can still see each other everyday!" He said looking at me with a big worried but cheerful smile. I look at him and cast a spell to make us both float. " Woa- Woah! Y/N what's happening!?!" He asked, " Since it's the last day, let's have some fun on our way to school!"
I held his hand and I pulled him with me so he can hold his balance. I turned around and saw him red as a tomato and he was looking at our hands. I giggled as I let go so he can try to balance himself. We continued to fly our way to school while izuku was still having trouble.

~Time skip~

I already finished my first few classes and I just had one more class to go. I was in class and our teacher was talking about U.A., I wasn't in a class with Izuku in the last period, so I hope he's doing ok. After the bell rang I went to izuku's class so we can walk home together and when I got there I saw izuku crying!?! I ran up to him and asked him what happened. " It's nothing y/n.." he replied. I look around and see one of his books were burned and all ruined. " Wh-what!? Who did this?!" I said picking up the notebook off the floor. " k-kacchan.." he mumbled. " Who!?! That kid who bullies you?" I said with a little anger in my voice. " Yeah.. while our teacher was talking about U.A., he told the class out loud that I was signing up for U.A.. Then Kacchan came up to me and was making tiny explosions in his hand and threatening me to not sign up. Then after the bell rang, he told me that if I took a swan dive off the roof then maybe-... Maybe I would get a quirk in my-y next life" He said choking on his own words while tears ran down his face. "He- HE SAID WHAT!?" I said with anger in my eyes. I got up and helped izuku up. " I swear to you izuku... If I ever meet this 'Kacchan' I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind." I said holding back anger. " No, No, it's ok y/n. I'm sure he didn't mean it!" He said with a fake smile. " If he didn't mean it. He wouldn't have said it." I said glaring at izuku. "Now let's go home, I don't wanna see this jail cell anymore" I said while izuku giggled.

~Time skip~

After i got home, I slammed my body against my bed and took out my phone to watch some videos. It was around the time for dinner. So I went downstairs and looked for my mom. "Mom!". No one answered. So I took out my phone to call her. Turns out she's still at work and so was my dad.
I went to the kitchen to make f/f (favorite food) and went to the dining table to eat. I sat down and thought to myself 'what if I use a finders spell to find this 'kacchan' izuku talks about. I mean I'm tired of him treating izuku this way!' I got up and went to my room and texted izuku.

Me: hey izuku, can I ask you something?

Izuku: go for it.

Me: can you tell me more about this 'kacchan'?

Izuku: Why...Y/n what are you thinking?

Me: Nothing! I just wanna more about him!

Izuku: y/n.

Me: I'm serious!

Izuku: fine. His real name is katsuki  bakugo but I call him kacchan. He calls me deku.

Me: wait.. nvm
'Doesn't deku mean 'useless'... I'm gonna have lots of problems with this katsuki'

Izuku: anyways he has really spikey hair (ash blond hair), his quirk is explosions. That's mostly what I can tell you about him.

Me: Thanks! Bye!

Izuku: bye?

I had enough information about katsuki now. All I need to do now is do the spell to see what he's doing now and find out more about him. No one hurts my friends.

931 words

Hope you enjoyed!

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