~You witch!~ ch.5

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Bakugo POV

I was listening in on deku and witch girl's conversation while I was walking home. And I heard witch girl talking about a secret that she knows about his quirk and all might!? 'What are these shi**y nerds up to?' I thought until I heard, " I'm sorry Y/N... I wanted to tell you, I swear! But if I told you, you would be in danger knowing this secret!" Tears started streaming down deku's ugly face. " Its alright izuku I understand." She said hugging him again...

' So I was right? Deku and all might have a secret about each other... And I'm gonna find out what that nerd is hiding.'


Me and izuku continued to walk home talking about his new power, After I dropped Izuku home I continued to walk down the street to my house. It was quiet.... too quiet.
I was feeling paranoid... I casted a force field around me. But before I could someone, put their hand on my mouth- "MHMMM PPMMM" I started to scream muffled. I immediately kicked the person from behind and as soon as they let go, I grabbed the person's arm and twisting it, then kicking them to the ground and holding my pose with a foot on their back and grabbing one hand back and the other on their head. " Who are you-" I said removing the hoodie from off of their head. " Katsuki?" I asked. " Yeah! It's me you witch! Now let go!" He said yelling at me. " No! Why are you following me!? Huh!?" I said pulling his arm farther and pushing my foot harder on his back. " argh! Listen witch! I wanted to ask you something!" He yelled in pain. " Then why didn't you just ask me!? You dont sneak up on people who are walking by themselves!" I yelled back. " Just let go nerd before I use my quirk!" He yelled looking at me. " fine." I replied releasing his arm and getting off his back. "Damn, you got some grip witch." He said getting up and rubbing his wrist. " Now what do you want katsuki?" I asked folding my hands together. "First of all, dont call me by first name." He said with head down while his eyes glaring at me. "And second of all, I'm here to ask you about deku's secret." He said putting his hand in his pockets turning his back to me then staring at me while making tiny explosions in his hands trying to threaten me.

(Imagine he's wearing his uniform)

"What are you talking about katsuki?" I said not showing hesitation

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"What are you talking about katsuki?" I said not showing hesitation. "Heh.... trying to act like you dont know? I heard your conversation with deku after school. So there's no point in hiding it" he said with a smirk on his face, with his back still facing me. "What conversation? Me and izuku walked home and literally just taked about our day." I said trying to keep my act up. 'That's why I felt so paranoid when I was talking with izuku. Thank god I didn't say anything more.' "You're not gonna give up are you?" He said still smirking. "Give up what, katsuki? I told you I don't know what you're talking about." I replied.
'He is not gonna give up either... I gotta think fast.........

An erasing spell! I'll make him forget what happened! But then he'll be knocked out till tomorrow morning...

It's fine. I'll do his homework for him and take him home!' "Oi nerd. Answer me." He said getting closer to my face, breaking me from my thoughts. "Woah, personal space bro, ever heard of it?" I said pushing my finger on his forehead making him move back. "Answer the god damn question nerd." He said looking away. "What question?" I asked. "If you didn't know anything, Why did you talk with deku about his 'new' quirk, the whole time you were walking home?." He said seriously. "I have an answer for that". I said cheerfully. "Finally." He said annoyingly. I put my hands together casting the spell. I began to make hand movements and closed my eyes. "Oi! What do you think your doing you witch!" He yelled getting in a fighting stand and activating his quirk. I shot my eyes open while they were filled with black. He took a step back shocked. "Sorry katsuki, but it's for your own good." I said levitating and my voice deep and dark. I shot my power at katsuki, but he dogged. 'Damn it!' He got mad and started to run towards me. I immediately blasted another time at him without him noticing and he stood up looking dizzy. 'Finally' "Sorry katsuki..." I said as he was about to fall. I caught him with a circle platform and went to izuku's house.

"It's not that easy, idiot." ( Bakugo X reader ) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now