~Stupid witch.~ ch.9

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I saw katsuki come charging at me. He definitely was gonna go for a right hook like always. He took his shot and I ducked. He was gonna blast me but I held his arm and flipped him over me. "Now that, that was izuku's work. I just copied it." I said putting my hands on my hips. "Can't believe you fell for it twice." I said giving him a sarcastic look. "Little brat." He growled. "What was that? Sounds like defeat." I said giggling. "ILL KILL YOU!" He shouted blasting towards me. I saw his right hand aiming for my stomach. But I knew his left arm was gonna grab me. So I held his right arm and his left arm came swinging to my face. I grabbed it with my powers and the other arm with my hand. "Nice trick, but I know all your moves katsuki." I said glaring at him. "Not my new ones though!" He shouted and pulled up a leg about to kick me to my stomach to kick me back. I got hit and went flying to the wall. I open my eyes and see katsuki blasting towards me with his right arm out getting ready to make a explosion. I twirled to the other side while he kept throwing punches and I kept moving back or back flipping. "STAY STILL, WITCH!" He said throwing more punches. "Fine." I said and stood still. He was going for a big blast and I sent a shock wave through my mind to him. He moved back in pain grabbing his head. "WHAT THE HELL- AH! What the hell was that?" He said not yelling due to the pain in his head. "A temporary shock wave in your mind. It lasts about 10 seconds or so. Most people knock out immediately after it but you kinda held strong, nice!" I said clapping and giving a cheeky smile. "Little-!" I grabbed him into the air before he could attack. "PUT. ME. DOWN!" he yelled. "Sure." I threw him to the floor and heard a blast and smoke filled the place. I heard running from behind me. "DIE!" He yelled and I felt a blast to my back. I put a shield around my body to not receive as much damage the blast caused. I hit a wall and felt my back send a pain up to my head. I put up a shield and began to heal myself. Katsuki came and kept blasting my shield. I couldn't keep the shield on for long so I let the shield explode and I got up all healed. Katsuki got up and sent a large speeding shot to my face. I tilted my head to see the blast right next to it. "Woah! Close one explosion boy!" I said turning back to him. I saw his face get more triggered than it already was. I let out a little laugh and he shot his head up at me. "What's so funny, witch?" He shouted. "You make a fuss about everything. I mean just be happy." I said rolling my eyes. "It's not that easy, Idiot!" He said blasting towards me again. "What's not so easy?" I asked dogging him and floating in the air. "GETTING YOU TO SHUT UP!" he said letting out a humungous blast towards me. I sent back the same amount right back at him. He held it for the moment then jumped out of the way and let the blast hit the ground. "I'm that annoying? Man, I really should stop talking. Right?" I said sarcastically. Katsuki let out an annoyed growl. "SHUT UP WITCH!" he said sending different blast towards me in different directions. I tried dogging every single one but I failed on one. I got hit and fell to the ground. I opened my eyes and saw katsuki falling from on top of me ready to make a explosion. I rolled over to the other side and let him blast the ground. He kept pushing the ground while I kept rolling. "STAY-" he blasted next to me before I could roll over and let his other arm heat up. "STILL!" he shouted. I teleported in front of him and he blasted the floor giving a confused look. "Over here." I said waving. He looked up and and I sent a power ball sending him flying across the room. He looked a little bloody.

"Oh my God! Are you ok!?" I said running over to him. He looked up at me and gave me stare. I didn't care but to help him. I was about to heal him but he sent a blast making my get pushed back. "Hey! I'm trying to help!" I said pouting. "I DONT NEED YOUR HELP, NERD!" he said wiping his mouth and getting back into a fighting stance. "So stubborn." I said rolling my eyes. I formed a power ball in the middle of my hands circling it. "Wanna know what this does?" I said looking up at katsuki and giving a smirk. "I don't care what it does! It wont beat me!" He said running towards me. I held the ball floating on my hand. He was gonna jump on me I teleported from behind and blasted him. He looked behind him and jumped to dodge. 'I think he's getting a hand on my moves, I should switch it up a bit.' I thought. He blasted me and I put a transparency spell to go through it. "H-how-" katsuki stuttered. "Transparency spell." I said. Katsuki started blasting the floor. 'What is he doing?' I thought. I couldn't see anything as the smoke filled the place. I heard a low growl from behind me. 'From behind!' I thought and sent a blast from my hands aimlessly. Katsuki dogged and made a bright light from his hands blinding me. 'He's gonna go for a punch! I have to dodge, fast!' I thought then I flew up but katsuki grabbed my leg and threw me to the ground. I flipped up and my sending a strength spell to my hands. 'That trick was to good. I have to think!'  I thought. He held out his arm and held it with his hand. He let out a explosion as big as the building. I put a shield around me and teleported to behind him. I floated him up in the air, controlling him. "Finally.. now give me a second to heal myself." I said out of breath.

"It's not that easy, idiot." ( Bakugo X reader ) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now