~ Spell book ~ ch.12

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I woke up from the sound of my alarm and went to get ready for school. I knocked on mr. Aizawa's door but no answer. 'Probably still sleeping.. ill wake him up after breakfast is ready.' I went downstairs and made some breakfast. I heard a door shut from upstairs. "Aizawa! Is that you? Breakfast is ready!" I shouted from the kitchen. I heard a muffled, "Alright, I'll be right down." From him.

I set the table and heard footsteps. "Good morning Aizawa!" I said turning around and seeing a tired Mr. Aizawa in a black long sleeved shirt and dark gray sweatpants with his hair pulled back in a half open man bun. "Good morning y/n." He sat down on the chair and waited for the food. I gave him his eggs and bacon and sat down across from him. "Hope you enjoy. I dont really have any ideas on what to make for breakfast nowadays..." I said nervously smiling. "Its alright. Thank you." He said taking a bite from his food.

We finished eating and he went upstairs to get ready. I waited for him next to the to door until he came downstairs all ready. "Let's go!" I waved for him to hurry up. I flew towards school and he just walked. "Want to fly with me mr. Aizawa?" I asked him flying over him with my face in front of him upside down. "No." He spoke completely uninterested. "Aw! Come on! Its fun!" I told him. He activated his quirk making me fall on my head.

"Hey! That hurt!" I pouted. "Hurry up before your late." He told me walking away. I got up rubbing my head and fixed my hair. I ran after him and arrived at school. I continued talking with him while he seemed uninterested in what I was talking about. I didn't even realize we arrived at class. "So did you like your room? If you want me to change anything I can always make something-" he activated his quirk staring at me so I can shut up and realize we were at class. "Oops." I mumbled and teleported to my seat. Everyone looked at me super happy that I was back apparently. Some waved to me and some wanted to cry. I smiled at everyone letting them know I'm fine.


So turns out we're picking our hero names today. "Now choose your names wisely or-" then Ms. Midnight slammed the door open. "You'll have hell to pay for it later!" She came in and gave us white boards with markers. "Now write your names down and when your done, come up and present it!" She said. I grabbed my board and took everything into deep thought while everyone went.

"Y/n, are you ok? Need help with your name?" Momo asked. "Sure.. you have any ideas?" I asked. "Hm... maybe something that does with red.. or scarlet due to your quirk?" She suggested. "Or call yourself witch." Katsuki chuckled. I shot up in excitement. "Oh my god! Katsuki your amazing!" I wrote down my name on the board and gave katsuki a big hug before going up.

"LET GO OF ME YOU WITCH!" he shouted. "That's my name!" I said letting go and walking up to the front. "I'm the magical hero: Scarlet witch!" I smiled. Everyone started cheering and clapping. "Nice one." Ms. Midnight said. "All thanks to momo and katsuki!" I put a thumbs up to them as everyone turned their heads towards katsuki. "Woah bakubro... didn't know you were nice enough to give her a name?" Kirishima teased.

"SHUT UP, SHI**Y HAIR! I DIDN'T HELP HER!" He said looking away. "You did! Momo helped with the first part and you helped with the witch part since you always call me it!" I smiled at him. He just 'tched' then looked away again.

I sat back down at my seat and izuku went up. We all looked at his board unsure if he was ok with it. "Yes. This is my hero name: Deku!" I started laughing out loud by accident. Everyone looked at me confused. "I'm sorry!" I said laughing. "I was just thinking-" I bursted out laughing again. "What's so funny, y/n?" Momo asked. "Its just- imagine katsuki making his name kacchan!" I bursted out laughing again unable to even breath to the point tears were forming.

"WHAT'D YOU SAY WITCH!?" He got up from his seat threatening me. I just kept laughing while some people joined. "Ok- Hha! Ok, ok! I'm done..." I let off a little giggle. "Heh.. kacchan." I mumbled. He was infuriating with anger. "ILL KILL YOU WITCH!" He shouted making explosions in his hand.

"It's not that easy, idiot." ( Bakugo X reader ) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now