~ Soulmates ~ ch. 16

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Today in class mr. Aizawa explained that everyone would be going to camp, but the people who failed would be getting extra classes. Sooner or later it was time for lunch. I sat next to katsuki and ate.

"Hey, katsuki?" I said. He hummed in response. "I kinda need some stuff for camp and I'm planning on going to the mall, you wanna come with me?" I asked. "Sure, I don't really care." He said. "Thank you!" I hugged him.

He slightly smiled and I separated the hug. "Do you need anything for camp?" I asked him. "Nah, just you." He said looking biting into his food. "Aw, your the best." I whispered to him.

"Um.. are we missing out on something here?" Kirishima asked. We looked up and saw Kirishima, mina, Kiminari, and sero. "Uh..." I mumbled. "ARE YOU TWO DATING!?" Mina shouted getting everyone's attention.

I looked over to katsuki wondering if he'll answer. He seemed to ignore and kept eating. I sighed and looked back at them. "Yes... we're dating." I said. Everyone at the table gasped and Mina gave me the most excited smile.

"IIII KNEW IT! I TOLD YOU!" She shouted to Kiminari and Sero. Kiminari and sero then took out some money and handed it to her. "Did you guys.. bet on it?" I asked. "Yup. I told them if you guys dated before the end on the semester I won. They didn't think it would happen so I bet on it." She said proud of herself.

"The hell? You dipshi*s thought I couldn't get with her!? Ha! You idiots cant even talk to her right!" Katsuki yelled. "Katsuki, relax." I said. He sat down and ate his food again.

"WHAT!?" Everyone shouted. I jumped to the loud shouts and looked around confused. "H- HOW DID YOU DO THAT!?!" Kiminari shouted. "DO WHAT!?" I shouted back confused.

"You told him to relax and he did!?! HOW!?" Sero said. I looked over to katsuki and he was about to blow. "I didn't do that! He wanted to relax on his own! He just shouted at Kiminari and went back to eat! I just happened to say that when he calmed down!" I said waving my arms around trying to make it look like I did nothing.

Katsuki was holding back his anger and trying not to blast them. I gave everyone a look and telling them to cut it out. They all slowly turned to katsuki and shut up.

Katsuki had a hand under the table which was smoking. I put my hand on it and cooled it down with my quirk. "Its alright, just keep cursing them in your head, k?" I whispered so only he could hear.

He sighed and looked back at me. He gave me a peck to the lips and got up. "I'm leaving, when your done meet me in class." He said to me and left the lunch room with his hands in his pockets. I turned back to my food and began to eat again.

"That.. was.. so... CUTE!" Mina shouted once again making me jump. "CAN YOU PLEASE STOP SHOUTING!?" I said. She giggled and be quiet. "Is it just me or is it weird seeing bakugou kissing someone?" Kirishima asked. "Nope, just you." I replied.

"How long have you guys been together for?" Kiminari asked. "Um.. a while now, I mean it was just a month ago or something when I found out he was my soulmate-" I covered my mouth realizing what I just said. I face palmed and looked back up at them.

They all had wide eyes and Mina had her big smile. "Soulmate!?" They all said. "Uh... yeah.." I said nervously. "No way! That's a thing!?" Sero asked. "Well... not normally but with my quirk my mom created a spell that helps me find my soulmate and... it just happened to be katsuki." I said rubbing the back of my head.

"I knew it! Its meant to be!" Mina said. "Wait, can you find out our soulmates too!?" Kirishima asked. They all looked at me eger to find out. "Um..I don't know.. I can look for a spell that may have it?" I said. "Oh, no its fine!" Kirishima said. I summoned the spell book in my hand and opened it.

"It's not that easy, idiot." ( Bakugo X reader ) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now