~ Shopping ~ ch. 17

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"What do you mean?" Katsuki asked. "Her quirk, she's past her limits with me!" I jumped off the chair. "You mean she's getting weaker?" He asked. "Yes! It's the reason why she just makes her targets end they're life in about a few weeks! She can't hold them for long." I said.

"So, your saying she's keeping you alive for a reason..." katsuki said as I nodded. "And.. I think I know why." I said. Katsuki looked towards me confused. "We'll have to inform the teachers tomorrow. Let's just go to sleep now." I said rubbing my forehead.

Katsuki nodded and walked to me, wrapped his arm around me and we walked upstairs.

"Is there something I'm not knowing?" Katsuki asked as he sat on the bed. "What do you mean?" I asked. "You said you knew the reason on why they're keeping you alive, what's that?" He asked. "I can't say katsuki, nightmare can still see everything that I see, hear everything that I hear. I want to tell you.. I swear, but I can't." I said sitting next to him.

He sighed and got up. "Alright. Goodnight." He said giving me a kiss and walking out. I laid down on my bed and sighed. 'If he knew about one for all... and all for one... I think he'd be even more worried...'

I slowly drifted off to sleep and began to dream.


"Y/n." I turned around to the voice and everything was black. The whole place was just pitch black. "Y/n." I turned around once and saw mom.

"M-mom..." I mumbled as I covered my mouth. "Hurry. Come." She said walking to the black void. "Wait!" I ran after and fell down. There was soon blood in my hands... I looked up and saw a forest I ran around and bumped into someone.

I looked up and saw a man with black hair and half his face purple and blue fire surrounding him. "W-who are you!?" I said backing away and trying to activate my quirk. He picked up a person and it was katsuki. He grabbed him by the back of his neck and katsuki looked all beat up and bloody.

"KATSUKI!" I shouted. He started burning katsuki's neck as katsuki tried to break free. "LET HIM GO!" I shouted running towards him as the man shot me back with fire. "KATSUKI!" I cried as I saw more bodies around me. It was everyone.

They were all killed. I saw izuku next to me and I shook him. "Izuku! IZUKU!" I cried. "Why are you doing this!?" I shouted at him as he dropped katsuki who was burning.

"KATSUKI!" I cried even harder. I ran towards him and tried to heal him, but my quirk wasn't working. "Come on! Work! COME ON! KATSUKI!" I kept crying.

I felt something grab me. I looked behind me and saw the man holding my neck. "Let me go, you bastard." I cried. "Now... if I let you go... they all die." He said holding up his arm as everyone was standing in front of me. They were all beat up but standing.

"YOU GUYS! RUN!" I shouted. They all kept running towards me trying to catch me. "NO!" I shouted as the guy lifted his arm and I pushed it down. "Alright! Just take me! Don't hurt them!" I cried. He put down his arm and we began walking into a black portal.

"Y/n.." I heard a muffled voice.

"Y/N! STOP!" I turned around and I was outside on the sidewalk with katsuki running towards me. I turned back around again and there was a black portal that vanished.

"It's not that easy, idiot." ( Bakugo X reader ) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now