~Explosion Boy~ ch.8

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Katsuki POV

I watched as the police investigated the house. I saw the witch pass out. I shook her trying to wake her up. "Hey! Get a doctor!" I shouted to a police officer.


I woke up in a hospital bed. My head was pounding. I look around and see katsuki sleeping in a chair. 'What happened?' I was about to get up until, I saw flowers and a note next to them. I opened the note and read it.

Dear, Y/N

I hope your feeling better. I just wanted to inform you on what happened after you pasted out. We found out the person who killed your parents was the hero killer, Stain. He's killed your parents along with other heroes. The police are investigating in the case right now. Also about your house, after principle Nezu was informed he offered to pay the house bills and provide you with food. He said you dont need to do anything in return. Mr. Aizawa said he will excuse any absences for the next few days if you'd like. In all, we want you to feel better. And you have lots of friends if you need anything.


I felt tears beginning to steam down my face. I tried to stay quiet but I just let my sadness get a hold of me for that moment. I kept crying and crying, it didn't feel like it would end. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned around and saw a tired katsuki. "Hey.. it's ok..." he gave me a hug and I stood there shocked for a moment and let my sadness come and take over me again as I sunk into his shirt and cried. After a while he rubbed my back to make me feel better. I finally calmed down after a while and thanked katsuki. "Listen. I can't feel the exact pain you're feeling right now. But I'll tell you this, even though you lost your parents.. you still have many people that love you. And I'm sure your strong enough to accept it. But if you ever need to talk. Your not alone." He said getting up from the bed and I grabbed his arm and he turned his head confused. "Katsuki... thank you.." I smiled softly. He gave me a light smile and headed out. I went back to sleep until a nurse woke me up telling me I can go home now. I got up and checked the time. It was 5:52 AM. I got my bag and headed out of the hospital and teleported home. I headed towards the bathroom so I can take a shower. I turned on the water to a warm temperature. I let the water hit my face and let my mind slip into my thoughts. 'I still have school today.. but... my parents just- I can skip school but I'll miss out on my lessons and I might miss something big. Then theres what happened...' I looked back down to my hands. 'My mom's power... it's mine now. If she was here she would tell me to work harder. And If dad was here he would too.' I clenched my hands into fists. 'I'm going to school. I can't sit here and cry all day. It's not going to do anything. Mom would want me to keep going. And dad would want me to stay strong. I'm not letting anything stop me. I have to stay strong!' I finished taking a shower and headed to my room. I looked at my uniform and squeezed it. I put it on and brushed my hair. I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs to make breakfast. I made some cereal to hurry up. I checked the time and it was 7:22 AM. I'm gonna be late. But I'm sure Mr. Aizawa would let it slide for today. I headed to the door to put my shoes on and my keys. Opened the door and locked it behind me. I teleported to the front of school and walked in. I reached my class door and knocked on it. I heard Mr. Aizawa tell me to come in. I opened the door and saw everyone looking at me surprised. Mr. Aizawa let his eyes widen for a second and said "you may sit down, Y/N." I nodded and headed to my seat. I saw izuku and katsuki kinda worried yet confused. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw izuku tapping his head. He was telling me to talk with him through telepathy.


'Morning, Y/N. How are you feeling today? I didn't think you'd come to school today. Are you ok?'

"It's not that easy, idiot." ( Bakugo X reader ) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now