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Mr. Aizawa and all might were downstairs as I changed into some sweatpants and a tshirt. I hurried downstairs and saw mr. Aizawa and all might. "Hey mr. Aizawa! Hey all might! What brings you guys here?"I asked walking behind the couch and standing behind Mitsuki.

"We came to talk about the U.A. dorms." All might replied. "Oh! Yeah!" I said. Katsuki sat down in the middle between his mom and dad as mr. Aizawa asked if they had the permission to take katsuki into dorms.

"Heck yeah you can get this kid in a dorm!" She said hitting katsuki's head down. "DON'T HIT ME YOU HAG!" Katsuki shouted. "OH SHUT IT YOU UNGRATEFUL BRAT!" She shouted back.

All might and mr.aizwa watched them fight as I sighed. "You guys want some drinks?" I asked. "We'll be heading out soon." All might said. "No, it's ok, here." I said using my quirk to get two cups of tea and placing it in front of them.

"Oh thank you.." all might said.

"No problem." I replied.


After they were done talking, they began to leave as I ran outside to catch up with all might. "All might!" I shouted to stop him. He turned around and looked at me confused.

"I just wanted to say thank you! Thank you for saving me and katsuki!" I bowed. "I'm just glad to know your safe." He replied. "I'm sorry for the trouble I caused. I apologize as well." I added. "You don't need to apologize, it's not your fault." He said. "But-"

"All might!" Katsuki said from behind me. "I have a question." He said. "What is it young bakugou?" All might asked. "What is deku to you?" He asked. 'What!?.. wait.. what is he thinking.'

I used my quirk to read his mind and heard, 'don't try to read my mind y/n.'

He immediately knew I was trying to read my mind. "He's my pupil, just like you and y/n." All might replied. 'Play it cool.'

"Yeah, whatever. If you don't wanna tell me it's fine." Katsuki said walking away. "Oh.. and.. thank you." He mumbled then went inside. "Thank you once again all might!" I waved to him and followed katsuki back inside.


"What was that?" I asked as we walked inside. "What was what?" He asked. "The "what is deku to you" question." I said. "You know the answer and we both know it. And I'll find out why you won't tell me." He replied and walked to the bathroom.

'He's starting to know more and more each day...'

I walked back to my room and laid down. 'Tomorrow. Tomorrow we move into dorms.'


I got up the next morning and got ready for school. My bags were packed and I was ready to go.

"Katsuki! Get up! We're gonna be late!" I said knocking on his door continuously. "I'm right here you idiot." I turn around and see Katsuki holding his bag and in his uniform.

"Oh, let's go then!"


We headed to school and said our goodbyes to his parents.

"You think the dorms are gonna look nice?" I asked. "If you continue with more questions, I'm gonna head there myself." He said. "Fine." I pouted and continue walking with him.


"Ok. I love it." I said sitting on the couch. "I know! It's amazing!" Mina added.

"It's not that easy, idiot." ( Bakugo X reader ) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now