~ Internships ~ ch.13

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I finally got my quirk cancelation gloves and they seemed pretty boring so I decided to send them to the costume making company to make it a little more stylish for me and maybe added some touches to it...

I finally got my quirk cancelation gloves and they seemed pretty boring so I decided to send them to the costume making company to make it a little more stylish for me and maybe added some touches to it

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They turned out better than I thought. They add a power container to make a major blast in emergencies. I might of got that idea from katsuki. After I got the gloves I wore them normally and every day. Our internships ships were coming up and I still got no offers. So I decided to find out a agency that was great with powerful quirks. Lucky me I discovered my mom's partner when she was still a pro hero. Since she worked with my mom, then I thought it would be perfect.

On the day if the internships, everyone met up at the train station to leave. Me, izuku, and uraraka were about to go, but when we saw how Iida was acting, we thought we should check on him.

"Iida!" Uraraka shouted as we ran up to him. He turned around a little confused. "If you need to talk, we're here if you need us." Izuku said. "We're friends right?" I said. He nodded and said, "yes." Then walked off to his train.

'Ever since the accident that happened with his brother, he's been acting weird... I could read his mind, but I dont wanna involve in his privacy'

After I said bye to everyone, I teleported to America. My mom used to work as a pro hero but after she had me she retired. One of her partners worked with her until she retired. I don't really know the lady but I hope she knows me. I arrived at America and looked around. 'How the heck do I find where Manhattan is?'

( bold= english regular= Japanese)

I saw a man handing out fliers and I thought why not ask him. My English is pretty fluent so I should be fine. "Hi, my names y/n, I just came from Japan, do you happen to know where Manhattan is?" I asked. The guy looked at me and laughed a bit. "Miss, you are in Manhattan." I felt so embarrassed.

"Oh, I didn't realize, thank you!" I walked away and looked around Manhattan. It was filled with lights and crowded places. It was so crowded, even more then Japan. I took out my phone and tried to follow the map to the agency. After I arrived I looked right at the building. It looked... plain. It was a normal apartment. I knocked on the door and it opened by itself.

"Hello?" I said walking in. The door shut behind me and the lights went out. I activated my quirk and made some light. I heard running from behind me then I blasted in the direction i heard it in. I saw the light from my blast reveal a human like figure.

"Who's there!?" I made a force field around me and popped it open to blast anything around me. I heard a person grunt in pain. I lit up the room and saw a girl on the ground. "Can I help you?" I asked squatting down to her. "Who are you? Why are you in my mom's house." She said. "Oh, you speak Japanese! That's great! I'm here for a internship? Does you mom happen to be here?" I asked.

"It's not that easy, idiot." ( Bakugo X reader ) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now