~Chapter 1: Home~

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"Give me my hair gell" yelled Dante

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"Give me my hair gell" yelled Dante.

"Then give me my damn curler" Dani yelled back.

I softly sighed closing my book and walked into Dante and Dani's room going under his bead grabbing her curler walking to the bathroom.

"Here Dani I found it again" I said kinda annoyed.

"Thanks Emma your the best!" She then hugged me.

I rolled my eyes. Now at this moment you must think I am the oldest. No the youngest actually and the two annoying bickering twins are the oldest. Dante is five minutes older but they are twenty two. My other brother Sam is twenty and for me I will be nineteen tommorow actually. We all live in this huge home with my two dads. Yes I have two dads they adopted all of us and we love them no matter who they are or what gender they are. Our home is so cozy and sweet as we live mostly in the woods.

 Our home is so cozy and sweet as we live mostly in the woods

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I walk downstairs to see my dads kissing.

"Ew gross get a room" I said covering my eyes.

"We are in a room you just decided to enter it" My dad said.

I rolled my eyes and sat down playing with my necklace getting instant headache again.

My dad Shawn came over feeling my head.

"Warm again" He said going to get my meds.

I never asked what types of meds they were because frankly they work. My brother Sam walked in.

"Baby sis!" he said hugging me.

I smiled and hugged him back closely he picked me up and spun me around us giggling and laughing. Let me be honest Sam is my favorite brother we have such a bond its unbreakable. My dad came back in with the meds I opened my mouth as he poured it in. I shookmy head instantly feeling calm.

"Thanks dad" I said smiling and hugging him.

Me and Sam decided to go outside and hangout in the tree house. We had so much memories here like him falling out than me falling out than the twins. A lot of falling out in this tree. Same had his first kiss in here which led to girlfriend same with the twins. Me on the other hand have never been with with someone or kissed. I mean I had crushes but when it came around the time to date I felt guilty and I couldn't I never knew why though.

"Sis come on" My brother complained for now what two hundred and twenty three times now.

"You need to date someone" He said.

"Sam not till I find the one" I said.

Than I felt another pain in my heart I yelp falling down.

"Emma!" He yelled.

I felt tears rolling down my face my heart hurts so much. My brother was use to this we never knew what it was though he helped me up hugging me as I sobbed. 

"Shhh" he said holding my close.

As always time passed and I felt better.

"I am going to take a breather okay" I said to Sam.

"Do you need me to come with you?" he asked.

"No I will be back soon" I climbed down the ladder and ran.

The woods made me feel alive and free I ran through the path I normally take and down to the stream. I sat down by a tree and looked at the site. I took out my sketch book and started to draw. Then I heard a noise behind me I swiftly turned around to see a huge ass brown wolf behind me. I jumped up quickly and started to run fast. I ran faster than before running deeper into the woods as I hit my head against a tree. I look up to see the wolf.

"Why what big teeth you have" I said scared backing up to a tree.

The wolf opened his mouth about to eat my face as he is thrown into a tree.

A huge black wolf stood instead of the smaller brown one.

"Well great another way to die" I said sighing.

But all of a sudden he layed in front of me not harming me.

"What the..."

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