~chapter 8: nothing~

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I held the tears back as I rested my head against his I felt his heart pain I felt everything and the fact this man after all I have put him through still wants me is the best feeling someone could ever give me

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I held the tears back as I rested my head against his I felt his heart pain I felt everything and the fact this man after all I have put him through still wants me is the best feeling someone could ever give me. He held me than I felt his anger and he pushed me and I slid across the floor.

"Emma I am still the alpha in this home the fact my pack saw me like that the doctor laughed at me like I was some fool!!" He yelled.

I flinched a bit years forming.

"Will you know what to do" he said.

"Alpha sir she is your mate this is no punishment fit for her" he said.

"Do not back talk me Will!!!" He yelled louder.

Will bowed and took my arm.

"Follow me Emma" Will said his lips formed in a straight line.

I followed him as he led me outside to a big building.

"Guards alphas orders for punishment" Will said.

The guards nodded. As the grabbed me I screamed.

"Will please !!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry Luna please forgive us" the guards said.


They led me into a sell and started to chain me up I screamed louder and cried.

"Please get Roman please I'm sorry"I screamed.

The guy stopped for a second.

"I'm sorry Luna he said to continue until you learn" he said to me.

I felt a ache of pain in my heart and bowed my head. The guards stopped for a second as one of them cried a bit.

"Dude I can't do this" he said to the other guard.

"I know but He will have our asses if we don't" The other guard said.

Then I felt the pain beatings unbearable I screamed and cried for it to end. Blood ran down my sides.

Diana please help!!!

I know Emma you have to stay strong and calm it hurts I know but Emma you are stronger than this.

Please Diana I can't

She didn't answer.

For what felt like hours I was beaten and bruised. I laid there on the cold ground lifeless I felt nothing in me. The one guard choked his sob back but than ran out crying screaming for the doctor as the other guard sat down.

"I'm so sorry Luna he should have never done this it's okay"he said.

I didn't speak.

"I'm Liam" he said softly.

"E... e ... Emma " I said softly coughing and wincing.

He smiled a bit as the doctor ran in.

"Everyone our now!" He yelled.

The guard and Liam left.

"Now you must be his mate" he said softly.

I shivered.

"Strong magic you got love now please don't tell me Roman sent you here because I will honestly kill him" he said.

I nodded.

"Fuck" the doctor said.

My breathing got heavier.

"GUARDS GRAB THE OXYGEN MASK NOW" the doctor yelled.

A couple seconds later they ran in with a bed and the oxygen they lifted me up on the bed put oxygen in and ran me through the halls laying me on the hospital bed hoking me up to stuff.

I passed out.

Where am I ?

Hello Emma.

A beautiful women stood there black hair blue eyes pale skin in a beautiful white dress.


I ran and hugged her.

You are safe here for now.

Why am I here though.

Memories I have to show you your parents your family why you have your powers why you are a wolf and why you got left behind.

That's when I closed my eyes and was at a familiar place.

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