"Why what big teeth you have" I said scared backing up to a tree.
The wolf opened his mouth about to eat my face as he is thrown into a tree.
A huge black wolf stands instead of the smaller brown one.
"Well great now another way to die" I said sighi...
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~3 weeks later~
I laid in my bed as I've been doing refusing to move my baby clearly was getting bigger they were worried about me and her. Roman was getting ready to be married to his hoe. My heart ached for him everyone was beyond pissed. I got up and went to my bathroom and looked in the mirror as my makeup was stained my hair greasy and a mess. There was dark circles under my eyes. I smiled a bit and made something appear.
After I showered and got in a outfit I did my makeup.
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I shrugged at my choice of clothes. I finally walked out of my room the first time in 3 weeks and everyone stared. Shocked like I haven't been out. Leila gasped and walked up and hugged me I hugged her back crying my eyes out. She hugged me and looked at my belly she pressed it as I felt my baby put her hands against the inside. Leila gasped. Mindy and Hazel bear hugged me and also gasped when the put there hands on my stomach.
"What is it?" I asked.
"I put my hands and she put her hands and showed me how much she loves you" Leila said tearing up.
I smiled as Rudolph came around the corner and hugged me and also placed his hands on my belly. His eyes widened as he started to cry.
"She's gonna be a strong one"he said.
"All your gifts and My brothers alpha role this child is going to be as powerful as you" Leila said.
"That means more danger for me and her if people knows she exists we are all screwed I'm already known everywhere as every species and I'm in danger enough" I said.
"So since Emma is not under the alphas care means this child will have to be hidden and I think it would be easier when shes a baby but once she gets older... it will be a lot worse"Mindy said
"We also have to hide from Roman he has the kingdom looking for us because we disrespected him and his bride to be"hazel said.
"So we won't be safe here for long" Rudolph said.
Just as he said that we heard people screaming and I saw guards who I knew they were Romans.
"We gotta go!"I yelled.
Rudolph used vampire speed and ran up grabbing stuff I will need and everyone else would need. They put book bags on them and and Rudolph took my hand.
"Come on We have escape tunnel!" He yelled.
We all ran with him I heard my baby growl at me. I softly giggled which she did too. We ran faster and I saw a carpet Rudolph and will quickly moved it and opens a trap door.
"Down all of u !" Rudolph yelled he ended up spraying something and I used my magic for everywhere else except my room to smell different. I felt lightheaded and Rudolph covered the trapdoor with the carpet and closed it climbing down the ladder.
"I have a secret home far out the only way is to it is through the caves down here but at the end of the cave only a witch can open the way since my mom was a witch it was out safe house" Rudolph said.
I nodded and everyone walked we could still hear the screams of the people above us I kept my eyes shining getting rid of our scent leaning against Rudolph my head Pounding and my breaths more shallow.
It felt like we walked forever before we saw rocks. Mindy was trying the spell and failed miserably. I told her to take over the scent spell she did a really good job. Maybe I should have made her do the spell.
"Tell me what it is Rudolph"I said.
"Rocks and roses move the path to set us free"he said.
I nodded and chanted that spell under my breath the power leaving my body I focused until I felt Rudolph touch my shoulder I opened my eyes and they were out the way I smiled big.
"Let's go!"Hazel said
We walked through and the rocks and such covered up. To make it look more believable that they didn't move in awhile I put moss end dirt all over them.
We walked out of the tunnels to a beautiful house with a force field and everything and that's when