"Why what big teeth you have" I said scared backing up to a tree.
The wolf opened his mouth about to eat my face as he is thrown into a tree.
A huge black wolf stands instead of the smaller brown one.
"Well great now another way to die" I said sighi...
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I gasped as I was near the guy who sells us blood. I looked around noticing mum wasn't near me.
"MOMMA!"I yelled.
I fell to the ground knowing I would have to move and get to Rudolph. I ran before I knew it I was there but I was a wolf I was shocked I never shifted I ran and I saw Will tackle me I whimpeared.
"STOP ITS WILLOW!" Rudolph ran out of the house and touched my fur.
"She's amazing"Leila said touching my fur too.
I unshifted and touched Rudolph face. He looked down and sighed.
"Emma is in danger"he said.
He came over and touched my neck.
"She called off the bond there is no ties with Willow and Him now so he wont find her still but we can hurt him and give Emma time to escape"He said.
"How?" asked Leila.
"Mindy we need your magic and Will and Leila you need to hold Willow down and Hazel shift and make sure if she escapes get her" he said.
"Whats going to happen?"Mindy asked.
"We need her to track Emma but if Emma feels and sees Willow we will get an exact location but Willow will be almost like a ghost she will be able to touch her so it will be perfect to tell her we are coming"Rudolph said.
They held me down and Mindy started speaking a spell I felt like I was burning. I screamed in pain and yelled I tried to escape because the pain was unbearble. Thats when my vision shifted I saw my mom hanging on the wall cuts and blood all over her a mark bond all over her body.
"Mommy" I said.
Her head lifted a little she coughed blood.
"Willow I told you to leave me"She said.
I walked up and touched her face finding her exact location and showing her where I am that we are coming for her.
She smiled and closed her eyes.
"Please hurry"Was all she said.
My vision shifted and I was back where I was I touched Rudolphs face and he growled.
"Lets go!" we all shifted and ran through the woods Mindy was on Leilas back and we all growled and ran faster.
We found the place and we noticed there was gaurds. I unshifted and said a spell and they fell on the ground. I ran using my vampire speed everyone followed me as I shifted back into a wolf.
"STOP" I heard a voice and I stopped.
"Hello" I thought.
"Im Rose I'm your inner wolf you need to go around the back twenty gaurds are at the entrence you need to get them from behind"She said.
I growled softly and moved to the back we all unshifted and crawled through the back window. We all softly fell to the ground me and mindy said the same spell and everyone fell to the ground. Me and mindy said the same spell and we watched all the gaurds fall we ran to the cell they were gaurding. There was my mom hanging and bloody Mindy said a lock spell and it opened. Rudolph and Will ran over taking her down.
My mom hugged rudolph crying.
I turned around shocked there was my dad and Rudolph touched his chest which was covered in blood.