~chapter 23:killing me softly~

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I sat down in my cell just waking up bloody and bruised I felt something kick in my stomach and I threw up

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I sat down in my cell just waking up bloody and bruised I felt something kick in my stomach and I threw up.

A guards eyes widened and he clearly mind linked someone else because within seconds someone else was there and they came in and one felt my stomach.

"She's pregnant that explains why there's another mate" the guy said.

"Pregnant ...." I said weakly.

"Keep her alive!" The guard hissed  and walked out.

All I heard was a guard singing.

Killing me softly with his song

Strumming my pain with fingers....

I closed my eyes wanting this to be over.

"So your Unborn child is my mate" Rudolph said.

I nodded.

"Weird huh" he said and laughed.

I laughed back.

All the other people looked at us like we were on crack.

That's when my ugly ass brother walked in.


He smiled.

"So pregnant huh" he said.

"LEAVE THEM ALONE" Rudolph screamed.

My brother smirked.

"And the mate of the unborn child" he said.

Rudolph growled.

My brother just smirked again. Little cocky bitch. Then he entered my room. I backed more into the wall and he ran up to me and bite my neck.

Jesus did it hurt. I screamed in pain wanting it to stop but it didn't. All I heard was the guard singing. My eyes watered as he let me drop to the floor. He grinned and just walked out.

"Oh and Emma it's a girl next time control her mind link to her father" he said and walked out.

A girl a baby girl I cried out of fear and happiness.  My eyes turned red and I growled. I then shifted. Nobody makes me feel scared not ever nobody threatens me and my family.

I broke through the glass and slammed against all the others they ran and Rudolph shifted with me. We ran down the hall where there were guards listening to that song. I unshifted grabbed a blade to my side and smirked using my new vampire speed to chop off their heads. I smiled and felt myself practically going mad. More guards came and the more I cut their stupid heads off.

I laughed and grinned as my brother came.

"Now Emma you wouldn't kill your own brother" he said.

I smirked.

"Your right" I said.

He smiled.

"I'm going to fucking murder you" I said and cut his head clean off.

All I could hear though was the song.

Killing me softly with his song

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