~chapter 3: goodbye~

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A man appeared

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A man appeared.

"Hello I'm Roman your mate" the man said.

Woah hes hot

"UH what now!" I said backing up.

He growled picked me up and ran.

"What the hell put me down I need to go home" I yelled.

He growled louder.

"No you aren't ever going back" He said,

I started crying he stopped,

"Please let me say bye and get some stuff I will introduce you and say I am leaving the state with you please" I begged.

He thought for a second.

"You will go with me?" He questioned.

I nodded.

He nodded back brushed the dirt off me and my hair wipped my tears.

"Bellissima don't cry" he said.

He took my hand and we walked back down paths. I smiled as seen my home I held onto Romans hand tighter. I see Sam run out the house and stopping seeing me hold Romans hand.

"Hey" I said softly.

He just looked shocked at me.

"Wheres our dads?" I asked.

He just pointed inside. I rolled my eyes pulling Roman with me.

"Dad and Papa!" I yelled.

Papa poked his head around and almost went ballistic.

"Jackson!!!!" he yelled.

My dad ran downstairs and completly stopped moving.

"Noooooo" he ran up crying.

Papa came around the corner,

"Sorry about him I am Shawn" he said shaking Romans hand.

"Hi Roman your daughters boyfriend" Roman said shaking his hand.

Papa stopped moving.

"Sorry this is all a shock to us shes never had a boyfriend. Emma has always said she was waiting for the one you must be very lucky." papa said.

"Papa I'm leaving the state" I said.

I heard a crash behind me and Roman pulled me behind him.

Sam was there red eyes and fangs.

"Get away from her alpha" He growled.

"Sam this isn't the time!" yelled Papa.

"Yes it is I was to protect her we all know this from her mate!" He growled.

"Sam please" he begged.

I hid behind Roman knowing my life was a lie. My brother was something and he was protecting me from him for some reason and my fathers knew compeletly.

"Sam we need to talk this out." papa yelled.

Dad ran down grabbing Sam.

"Calm the fuck down" he said.

Sam calmed down and dad took him to the next room.

"Roman get Emmas stuff and go before Sam gets worked up and leave through her window. Emma make sure the twins do not see you either they will never let you leave either go and hurry" Papa said.

Roman and I ran upstairs I saw the twinns outside swimming. Roman an I grabbed my stuff I grabbed pics of my family as Roman was on call in a language I did not understand I also grabbed my stuffed animals and put them in a bookbag with my laptop anf fem products.

"Lets go theres a car for us down the road we will go through the woods" Roman said getting my stuff as we climbed out the window and ran through the woods to the car.

He put my stuff in and drove. I played with my necklace nervously.

"Welcome home"

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