~chapter 16: Hearing her~

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(Oh shit it's Roman bitches)

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(Oh shit it's Roman bitches)

I laid next to the slut I was fucking. God nothing.

"Get out" I growled.

I laid in bed just thinking that's when I heard it.
Roman... it's Emma please help.

I fell out of bed and hit my head. My beta ran in.

"Are you okay dude ?" He asked.

I sat up put on some shorts.

"I heard Emma" I said growling.

Wills eyes widened.

"What did she say!" He yelled.

"Fucking help! Will I had it all wrong she wasn't having sex she was Being forced and abused!!" I yelled tears forming.

"Will I know where she is and the alpha actually invited us to a party there but Emma must not see me at all or you but I know she will be there" I said sighing.

"Sir should I bring backup" he said.

"Yes not to the party though they will hide in the woods a mile out from the party understood?" I said demanding him.

"Yes sir" he said walking out.

I got dressed in a Normal suit and walked down as my men were ready. My sister was there.

"No" i said.

"I don't care it's your fault Emma is gone I won't let you fuck this up again" she said.

I rolled my eyes.

"Jax stay back and hold her make sure she doesn't follow" I said.

Jax nodded and picked her up.


I smirked and left. My men got in the car and we started to drive.

"Remember stay in the woods me and my beta will go in got it !" I said.

"Yes sir" they said in unison.

Me and my beta walked in.

"Ah Roman I am Master Rudolph's servant follow Me" his servant said.

We followed him into the great hall and sat near the drinks. As we did the smell in the room turned sweet. I looked up and saw her. I was about to stand up to go to her when Will pulled me down.

"You can't yet" he said.

I growled at him. I saw two other girls with her they were talking. That's when one disappeared and my Emma went up to the alpha and the other girl went to his beta and started to dance. I saw how Emma was looking at him. There was hope in her eyes. That's when the power went out I noticed the sent started to go away me and my beta ran he followed me as a lot of the guards and the alpha and beta followed them.

I shifted and slashed at the guards and followed my mates Smell.

I tackled the alpha and ripped him apart. I heard crying as I saw my mate weak and defenseless. I shifted back.


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