~chapter 11: mom~

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I ran up and hugged her holding onto her for dear life

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I ran up and hugged her holding onto her for dear life. She didn't hug back probably because she didn't know me.

"Leila who is this girl?" my mom asked.

"This is Emma" Leila said.

"Emma.." she said softly.

I took off my necklace and placed it in her hand as she covered her mouth tears forming in her eyes.

"Emma" she said softly as she pulled me in for a hug.

She cried and I cried.

"Thank you" I said softly.

She pulled away a bit.

"For what exactly?" She asked.

"For saving me when I was a baby. You saved me." I said smiling.

She held me close.

"Okay rose who is this?" The lady who I am guessing is Leila's mom.

"Mom this is Emma Romans mate" Leila said.

"MATE?!"both his mom and my mom yelled.

I sheepishly smiled.

"I am a wolf mum" I said.

She covered her mouth.

"And a witch !!" Chimed in Leila.

I glared at her.  As their mom covered their mouth.

"Well I'm Rosetta Emma why don't we all come in for tea and we can catch up and talk a bit" she said.

I nodded as Leila and I grabbed my stuff from the car and brought it in. We all sat down and drank tea.

"So Emma how did you ya know get here?" Rosetta asked.

"Well after mom saved me which I guess you don't know but I will tell you since I kinda found out by a coma ya know totally normal" I said laughing softly.

She smiled.

"My mom saved me from I don't even know who by pushing me in a basket down the river my dad Shawn found me and my other dad Jackson. I had 3 other siblings which I loved and adored. I was sitting out in the woods when a giant wolf started to chase me and almost ate my face off when Roman jumped out in a wolf form and basically tackled him and crap when he walked up to me and I basically thought I was going to die and he laid in front of me and shifted and said Fucking mate and I'm losing my shit as he picks me up and tries to kidnap me and I cried and screamed he took me home my brother turned into a vampire shit thing and tried to kill Roman he took me to his home we fought and shit and I shifted and I had my heat where he left me so I ran away and basically went to my dad he came and got me so I used magic and choked him and embarrassed him he sent me to be beaten till I went into a coma and that's when Leila found me so I am here" I said starting to cry.

His mom looked at me

"I'm going to kill him"

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